Not your typical slumber party

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Your POV

You hear the front door slam shut, making you flinch and stomach lurch violently.

No, he's not supposed get here til later, you think to yourself. You hear something shatter from downstairs and a loud curse following it. Then, your name is called.

"Y/N!" your father's angry voice slurs. You cringe and bustle downstairs, flinging all of your unfinished work to the floor.

"Yes dad?" you squeak, stepping into the living room, your eyes scanning for the man. When you come up empty, you feel yourself relax. Maybe it was all in your head. Suddenly, a huge, cold hand clamps around your neck from behind, and you struggle against your captor, knowing it's your father.

You have a long night ahead of you.

>>Time skip to next morning<<

"Y/N," a hushed voice whispers beside you, and you feel a poke on your shoulder. You groan and turn your head the other way.

"Y/N, wake up," you hear again, but this time you open your eyes to see that you fell asleep on your best friend's shoulder. He smiles down at you, his eyes lit up. You yawn and sit up.

"Oh, sorry, Hunter. I didn't mean to fall asleep," you apologize sheepishly. He chuckles and pokes your nose with a cheeky grin. "It's fine, you looked really tired."

You can't help but mirror his smile and blink the sleep from your eyes. "Yeah, well, I was. I still am, actually. So, can I sleep again or...?" You trail off, a question hanging in the air. His shoulders shake in a silent laugh. "Yeah, you can sleep, just promise you'll finish this later, okay?" He holds up a packet of papers, and you remember that you had thrown them down in a haste last night without finishing them.

"Oh! I completely forgot about that! Here, I can finish it now." You snatch the papers from his grasp and continue filling it out. You feel Hunter's eyes on you, so you flick your eyes up to his for a second before focusing back on your papers. Hunter had a small smile pulling on his lips, and a twinkle in his eyes.

"You know, I heard pictures last longer," you say, raising your eyebrows. He just shakes his head and tries to stifle his smile, but it's like he's physically incapable of it.

"M'kay," he hums, and you see a flash. You whip you head up in time to see him with a camera in his hands. You drop your jaw and stare at him.

"You did not just do that."

"Oh, but I did."

You and Hunter keep hanging out at his house all day before you get a call at seven in the evening. You laugh at the cheesy pun Hunter just made and pick up, walking into another room when you see it's your dad calling.


"Y/N, where have you been all day?!"

"Uhm, uh, nowhere."

"You're grounded, now get back home now!"

"Wait, what? I'm not a little girl anymore. I live under my own roof and ay my own bills, I don't have to listen to you anymore." You cross your arms over your chest and lean back on the counter.

"Don't talk to your father that way!"

"I'm done talking to you. Bye." You hang up, too exhausted to listen to his threats anymore. You knew your dad knew where Hunter lived, and he also knew that's where you almost always were, so you couldn't stay here or Hunter could get hurt.

"Y/N, who was that?" Hunter asks, his voice sounding a little uneasy. You turn and face him with your best fake smile. "Uh, no one. It's not important."

He opens his mouth to say something, but decides against it and runs a hand through his hair. " you need to go home now, or..."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," you agree, sliding on your jacket and slinging your bag over your shoulder. He follows you to the door, his car keys jingling in his hands. You furrow your eyebrows and look up at him in the doorway. "Where are you going?"

"I'm driving you home, duh. You're not walking home at this time at night, it's not safe," he replies with a casual shrug of his shoulders, holding the front door open for you. You shake you head and gently push him back inside.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself, mister. You just worry too much."

"I'm not letting you out there by yourself, Y/N," he says in all seriousness. You're about to argue when your phone buzzes. You empty your pockets to find it, and you see it's you dad again. Your eyes flicker up to Hunter's questioning electric blue eyes before accepting the call.


"I know you're at Hunter's house. Come home in two minutes or I'm paying your friend a visit."

"Wha-um, o-okay. Give me a second," you speak into the speaker, all color draining from your face. Hunter notices and quickly snatches the phone out of your hand.

"Hey! Hunter, give it back!" you shriek. He can't talk to your dad, or he'll know something's up.

He talks on the phone anyway. "Hello, who is this?"

He pauses and his eyebrows knit together as your father speaks to him. You bite your lip, giving up on trying to take your phone back.

"Who are you, exactly?" he asks again, more urgently. He waits again before talking again.

"Well, if you won't tell me who you are, then I won't tell you who I am. Just don't call Y/N again, or I'm calling the police," he concludes, hanging up with angry eyes. He turns to you and just studies your face for a while, not a word said, with his questioning stormy eyes.

"What?" you squeak, crossing your arms. His eyes soften a little. "You're staying here tonight."

"N-no, I couldn't-"

"Yes, you can, and you are. I'm not letting you leave."

"Isn't that kidnapping?"

"Just think of it as a.... forced slumber party."

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