Imagine for niallforever15

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Thanks for the request, niallforever15! As usual, please leave me some feedback!

And YES, I am still alive. Sorry for disappearing for forever, but I'm back.

Oh, and 3.something k reads?!?!?! What even is this?

I stare at the pregnancy test in my shaky hands with all sorts of thoughts swirling through my mind. Hunter and I are just dating and we're having a baby? Will he leave me? Surely not...right?

I throw the test into the bottom of the trash can and wipe at the tears I had not noticed I shed.

Everything will be okay, I tell myself, hoping desperately that I'm right.


"Well you could've called or even just shot me a quick text! Like, hey, heads up; I'm not coming home for the entire weekend, and I won't answer any calls?!" I exclaim, running my hands through my hair in frustration. Hunter paces the floor, his face red in anger.

"You know how unpredictable the process is. The album is finally coming together and you're mad at me for missing a dinner?!" Hunter shouts back. I give him a pointed look.

"Not just a dinner; three whole days that you said we're going to be just us. You said that we would go out this weekend, but instead you stood me up. Again," I stress the last word. He ignores me and stomps down the hall towards his bedroom and slams the door shut behind him. I scream in frustration and anger, tears flooding out of my eyes. I wipe them away furiously and start for my own room to start packing my things.

I know that I'm pregnant but Hunter doesn't know. Besides, I'm sure I can find my way to raise a child on my own.

I finish packing my things and leave without leaving behind a note.

I fist my hair into my hands and let out a strangled sob. Who am I kidding?! I can't do this on my own!


I stand in the back of the auditorium with my two little boys in tow, Mason and Nathan. They are both three years old now, and I've been raising them on my own. Hunter still doesn't know that I was ever pregnant, but I start to regret the decision of never telling him as I watch him perform on the stage. As he sings and dances awkwardly on the stage I realize how much I miss him.

I'm only here, though, because Sam, my brother, wanted to see his nephews. The show comes to a close, but before Hunter runs off the stage, I swear he locks eyes with me. His entire demeanor shifts, but he shakes it off and exits the stage.


"I'm sorry, Mason and Nathan, but I can't get you that toy. Mommy can't afford it," I explain to my crying sons in the toy aisle in Walmart.

"Let me help you pay for it," Sam proposes, shifting my attention from my sons to my brother.

"No, Sam. You've done way too much for us," I argue. We continue to bicker for a while when my eyes shift downwards and I notice my boys are gone. I curse under my breath and begin searching for them. Sam helps.

I suddenly hear a familiar crying, so I sprint towards that and end up facing Hunter with my two little boys. Nathan and Mason are both in tears, but grins spread onto their faces when they see me. They run into my outstretched arms as I crouch to hug them.

I glance up at Hunter as I pull away from the hug and take hold of my sons' hands.  He gives me an awkward look and I return it.

"It's nice to see you," Hunter says, clearing his throat. "I didn't know you had a family."

"Just these two," I reply.

"Their dad left?" he asks, his face growing slightly red and his hands shaky with anger.

"More like I left him." I don't meet his eyes. "Hunter, they're yours."

He doesn't say anything at first. I look up to gauge his reaction to find him with an unreadable look on his face. "These are my kids?" he asks, disbelieving. I nod.

Mason creeps up to Hunter shyly and holds a hand out. Hunter crouches to his level and Mason gives him a hug.

"Hi, papa," my son says. Tears well up in Hunter's eyes as he looks between the boys and me. I feel my own tears threaten to spill as I step forward. Hunter stands back up and we hug. His strong arms wrap around me tight and don't let go.

"I missed you," he whispers into the crook of my neck as we embrace each other. I let out an airy laugh as tear streams down my face.

"I missed you, too."

Hunter Hayes Imagines (Requests Closed Again)Where stories live. Discover now