Maximum Ride Movie

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James Patterson has approved there will be a Maximum Ride movie coming out next month some time. For those who are interested look online, there is a trailer, release date, and other information that you guys may want to see. I want you guys to know so those who have been waiting for years like I have will finally have this favorite book series become a movie. I will warn you, if I am able to see it around my work schedule and college classes then I will post a review up on here for it, without any spoilers of the actual movie. I will give a 0-5 star rating, judge directing, special effects, and other similar things to that. 

I must warn all of you to NOT get your hopes up though. Some of you know other books that have been made into movies and the movies have many inaccuracies, bad graphics, and more. So take caution when watching this and expect that the directors will get things wrong and expect the producers to have had a low budget as to not get your hopes up.

Anyone who goes to any premier in Michigan, you may see me there. If you'd like to message me and maybe a group of us could meet in person, see the film, and just have fun.

Places you can contact me:

My Facebook link is:

My Instagram is: xximweirdxx

My Tumblr link is:

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