Ouran High School Host Club #1

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HoneySenpai: HELLOO!

DaddyTamaki: Hello there Honey!

MomKyoya: Why is my name this Tamaki?

DaddyTamaki: Because I want you to have that name!

Haruhi has changed MomKyoya's name to KyoyaSenpai

Haruhi: Better?

KyoyaSenpai: I guess. Thanks.

DaddyTamaki has changed Haruhi's name to LittlePrincess

LittlePrincess: Really?

Twin 1: Awww~! Looks like Haruhi got a name change!

Twin 2: Indeed.

Twin 1: So which one of us is Hikaru?

LittlePrincess: Twin 1.

Twin 2: Wr- Right?! What?!

Twin 1: How?!

HoneySenpai: Whoa...

LittlePrincess: It's not that hard guys!

KyoyaSenpai: Yes it technically is.

Renge: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! It actually IS hard!

LittlePrincess: Okay why are you here?!

Renge: I dunno.

DaddyTamaki: Well... She is everywhere.

HoneySenpai: That's very true!

Twin 1: Mmmhhhmm...

LittlePrincess: Oh whatever.

Twin 2: I'm bored now.

Twin 1: Me too. Wait I have an idea!

KyoyaSenpai: Oh no...

Twin 2: Good idea! Oh Haruhi~!

LittlePrincess: Yes? Wait... How are you a t my ho- Got her phone!

HoneySenpai: What's going on?

DaddyTamaki: Hikaru! Kaoru! Don't touch my little princess!

LittlePrincess: Whhhaaat? We only wanted to play a game!

KyoyaSenpai: Game?

LittlePrincess: Yup!

Some_Guy_Named_Mori: That's scary.

HoneySenpai: Takashi!!!

DaddyTamaki: You better not do anything bad to her!

Twin 2: Oh we won't.

LittlePrincess: Not at all!

DaddyTamaki: HIKARU AND KAORU!!!!

DaddyTamaki has left the chat

Twin 2: Oh no.

LittlePrincess: Oh no. (Said at the same time)


Luna here! ThatOneTrigeredChick will be posting on my account at random so be prepared!

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