Soul Eater #1

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SoCool: Maka! Why's my name this?

MakaTheBookworm: So it'll say So Cool is typing. It's kinda funny.

Pinkette: Umm... Why am I here? Maka? Why is my name this? I'm not use to this!

MakaTheBookworm: Calm down. It's all good. You're just in a group chat!

Pinkette: Group chat?

TheKingOfSymmetry: The symmetry in this chat room! No one is unsymettric- Maka. Your name has 15 letters. IT NEEDS TO BE EVEN!

MakaTheBookworm: And yours is 17.

TheKingOfSymmetry: I KNEW IT! I'M A FAILURE!

SoCool: Kid calm down, this isn't cool

Pinkette: I'm confused...

Patsy: Don't be! Just make a giraffe!

Pinkette: Uhhh... What?

Patsy: Make a giraffe with paper! It's fun!

SoCool has changed Patsy's name to Giraffe

Giraffe: Hey... I'M A GIRAFFE NOW!

Pinkette: What's going on?!


Pinkette: Why are you yelling at me?!

SoCool: What have we all done?

MakaTheBookworm: I dunno.

Black☆Star: What are you guys doing without the great Black Star?!

MakaTheBookworm: Oh great. He's here now.

Tsubaki★: Black Star please calm down

Black☆Star: CALM DOWN?! I was already calm!

SoCool: Why does Tsubaki have the only normal name here

Pinkette: I dunno...

TheKingOfSymmetry: Why is everyone so unsymmetrical?! T_T

LizLiz: Kid... Please stop crying

TheKingOfSymmetry: B-But the symmetry!!

MakaTheBookworm: Does the symmetry honestly matter this much to you or something?!

TheKingOfSymmetry: YES!

LizLiz: Did you have to ask that question Maka? How long have you known him?!

MakaTheBookworm has changed TheKingOfSymmetry's name to TheSymmetricalDork

TheSymmetrialDork: Hey! I am not a dork!

LizLiz: Well...

Giraffe: You kinda are!

TheSymmetiralDork: T_T

SoCool: And he's back to crying.

MakaTheBookworm: Nice job Patty

Giraffe: Thanks!

LizLiz: Wow. I'm just gonna go

LizLiz has left the chat

SoCool: Forget it.

SoCool has left the chat

MakaTheBookworm: Welp.

MakaTheBookworm has left the chat
Giraffe has left the chat
TheSymmetryDork has left the chat

Black☆Star: Whoa! Why is everyone leaving the Amazing Black☆Star?!

Tsubaki has left the chat

Black☆Star: I'm offended (Don't you mean triggered? 😏)

BlackStar has left the chat

Pinkette: H-Hey... Where did everyone go?! T_T

BigBlackBlob: No one wanted to be around you so they left!

BigBlackBlob has left the chat

Pinkette: Really?! You're in me pretty much!

Pinkette: Wait. That sounded wrong...

Pinkette: Oh well...  I just wanted to have some friends...

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