Dear Miki_TheRedQueen_23 ,
I'm working on adding you. I really am. I just have to think on how I'm actually gonna do it. I just haven't watched the anime you're asking for so I have some research to do! Yay!For everyone, enjoy. That's it. That's all I'm gonna say.
Midget: Okay.... Why am I being called a midget?
Princess: Meliodas~Kun!
Immortal_Idiot: I have no idea captain, but apparently I'm being called an idiot.
KingKong: Well I'm apparently a monkey.
GiantCutie: *trying hard not to laugh*
PinkHairedDude: Annnnndddddddd I'm here. Seriously. Why are our names like this again?
TheAlmightyHawk: Because I thought they would suit you all
Midget: Suit us?!
Immortal_Idiot: Can we at least change this?!
TheAlmightyHawk: There is a way, but I'm
Not telling you how.Princess: Does anyone but Hawk know how to?
KingKong: Nope.
PinkHairedDude: Okay this is getting a bit annoying.
Immortal_Idiot: A BIT?!
KingKong: More like a lot.
Midget: How do I leave this chat...
TheAlmightyHawk: NOT TELLING!
Princess: I've figured it out! Meliodas~Kun just got to the top of the page, click the I thingy and there's a leave chat option!
Midget has left the chat
Princess has left the chatImmortal_Idiot: That was quick.
TheAlmightyHawk has deleted the last text sent by Princess
KingKong: REALLY?! I was about to leave!
TheAlmightyHawk: Ha!!
PinkHairedDude: And why is it dude? It could've been guy, or... uhh... anything else!
GiantCutie: Well I like my name
KingKong: Of course you do! It's cute!
GiantCutie: Awww thank you!
PinkHairedDude: Tsk.
GiantCutie: What?
PinkHairedDude: His definition for flirting in a way
GiantCutie: What?!
KingKong: Uuuhhh nothing! Nothing at all!
GiantCutie: Are you sure?
KingKong: Positive.
Immortal_Idiot: Jeez it's so obvious though.
PinkHairedDude: I know right? Ha.
KingKong: H-Hey it's not funny!
Immortal_Idiot: Someone getting upset?
TheAlmightyHawk: Butt hurt perhaps???
GiantCutie: Hey! Leave him alone.
Immortal_Idiot: Awww... but it's fun to mess with King.
KingKong: No, no. Not really.
PinkHairedDude: Eh a bit.
KingKong: No not at all.
GiantCutie: In fact it's a bit annoying.
TheAlmightyHawk: Standing up for him? Why?
GiantCutie: Because he's a great friend!
Immortal_Idiot: Ouch.
PinkHairedDude: Friendzoned.
KingKong has left the chat
PinkHairedDude: Hey he figured it out.
GiantCutie: Apparently.
Immortal_Idiot: Well then...
TheAlmightyHawk: I'm bored
TheAlmightyHawk has changed everyone's name to me
Me: Wait. What?
Me: I'm confused.
Me: I don't know!
Me: This is hysterical
Me: That's Hawk
Me: Not really!
Me: Ugh.
Me has left the chat
Me has left the chat
Me has left the chatMe: Well I just it's just little pink me left! Hawk the Almighty!!
Okay so this was pretty much a filler since I haven't updated this is forever so... hi.
anime texts
AcakSo what happens when anime characters text each other? I'm curious how this'll turn out! ;completed may 13th, 2017... technically