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When Saturday came, all I could think was if I should or should not call Mark like he wanted me to. Of course deep down I really wanted too but my stubbornness kept getting in the way so I would always change my mind last minute. I ended up laying on my bed all day with the phone on my chest with Mark's number already put in, ready to be called.

My mom passed my room around the time she got home from work which was close to eight at night. She looked at me curiously. "And what are you doing?"

I sighed. "Contemplating."

"About what?" she asked still curious.

I looked at my phone then back at my mom. I could have always talked about it with her but I never really did communicate with her much. Maybe now was the time to talk to her. "Mom, can I talk to you?"

She looked a bit taken back but said, "Yeah. What's going on?"

I hope I don't regret this, I thought. I sat up as she sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Well you see," I began, "there's this person that wants me to call them but this person really isn't someone I'm supposed to like in any manner. However, I somehow find myself liking them."

She guessed him immediately. "Are you trying to tell me that Mark wants you to call him?"

I laughed awkwardly as I gripped my sweater around my neck. "Pfft, what, no!"

She rolled her eyes and laughed slightly. "It's okay Jack. He isn't that far from your age so I could understand why you two are getting along nicely. You can finally have a friend. Plus he's the only other person you know."

She wasn't wrong. But it felt weird to actually start liking my teacher, do weird things with him, and not have my mother know about it. Did I mention he was me teacher?! Plus, now I was actually think I was going gay for this man!

"Also," she continued, "the more you actually like him, and do what he says, you might actually finish the homeschooling stuff."

My plan to get away from him and the house wasn't even on my mind anymore. It was just him and how much he was messing with me. "Mom, he's my teacher, he's not supposed to be someone I can just call on a Saturday night and have a fun chat with."

She laughed. "And who said? I'm not stopping you and he's definitely not going to reject your call."

I rolled my eyes. "How are you not bothered by this?!"

"Because honey, you're actually doing something in the time you are with your teacher. I have no idea what he's doing but it's working."

"You don't even want to know what he's doing," I murmured to myself.

"What did you say?" she asked.

I blushed and shook my head. "I said so it's okay to call him?"

She got up and went to the door. "Just call him Jack. I'll leave you alone for a couple of hours," she said then closed the door.

I sighed loudly and flopped back down on the bed. I grabbed my phone and kept staring at the number. All I had to do was press the call button and everything would flow into place by itself. The worse he could do was not pick up the phone. Yet I didn't want to sound like a complete idiot if he did answer. I didn't even know what we could talk about.

I shook my head after a few minutes of just putting myself down. It was time that I just called him. So I clicked the call button, held the phone to my ear, and waited for him to answer.

It took two rings before I heard his deep voice. "Mark Fischbach speaking, how can I help you?"

I couldn't help but laugh and say, "That's how you answer the phone?"

He chuckled and in a gleeful tone he said, "It's nice to know you called me Jack. I was beginning to think you weren't going to."

"I really wasn't going to call you," I said honestly.

"And what made you change your mind?"

"I had a change a heart is all," I said with a sarcastic tone.

"I would have gotten you back if you didn't call me," he said in what seemed a playful tone.

His comment made me blush deeply. "What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He laughed and in a much deeper and sexier voice he said, "I might just show you what I mean on Monday."

I blushed even more and felt myself get a bit excited as well. "S-sure you will."

"You don't know what I am capably of yet little o' Jackaboy," he said in a teasing voice.

"I will kill you if you try anything," I threatened.

He laughed. "Okay, I'll stop," he paused before saying, "for now."

"What are you even doing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm grading some papers."

"Sounds fun I guess."

"I just finished grading yours before you called me," he said. "You're smart indeed Jack."

"I guess but if you don't mind me asking, how many other students do you have?"

"Four which includes you. Why do you ask?"

I played with the sheets nervously. "Do you like them?"

"I like all my students Jack, but if you're trying to ask if I like them in the manner I do you, then I don't. You're the only student I feel really drawn too." Again there was no hesitation to his response which meant that he wasn't lying, I guessed.

I decided to tell him something truthfully as well. "Well, to be honest, I kind of like that I'm someone you like." Did I really just say that?

"Do you now Jack?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. It's nice to feel loved I guess you can say," I said quietly enough for him to hear.

"You don't have to be too scared with me Jack. I would never hurt you nor do anything you didn't want to do. Unless, y'know, it was that..."

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him blushing as he said that. "I'm still not too comfortable with the idea but who knows."

We ended up talking all night until he ended up falling asleep on the phone but I still didn't hang up the phone. I decided to leave the phone on speaker and leave it on the night stand I had and fell asleep with him. Then when Sunday came, we talked all day of any random thing like him being school and why he became a homeschool teacher to why I was such a stubborn idiot and what I wanted to do with my life. We were learning more about each other which I wasn't minding it at all and neither was he.

Once our phone call came to an end and we wished each other a goodnight, I was really looking forward to seeing him the next day.

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