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Felix dragged me towards the lunchroom, going towards the back table. People's eyes followed us until we sat down. I sat there awkwardly as Felix looked at my face oddly; finally, he leaned back against the wall and laughed. I furrowed my brows. "What?"

"You're dating Mr. Fischbach, aren't you?" he asked, lowering his voice.

I felt my eyes widened and heat rush to my face. "Wh-What are you talking about?"

He narrowed his eyes at me, then laughed again. "I knew it! You are!"

I shook my head quickly, hoping I can lead him off. "No, of course not! I'm not even gay or anything!"

"Look, if you are, I'm not going to say anything," he shrugged.

"Not saying that I am, but why do you even care?" I asked curiously.

His expression changed. "He's a horny bastard." There was no point in trying to argue that point. "Plus, he never keeps anyone for too long." That caught my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked, worriedly.

"You think you're the first student he brought here?"

"I t-thought..."

"Well, you thought wrong. Mark brought a guy here last year; I befriended him. Mark left him right after he finished being his teacher," he explained, looking frustrated.

I refused to believe what I heard. Mark wasn't like the rest of them, he believed in me, he wasn't going to leave me. Or would he? I shook my head, probably in the state of denial. "It's not like that at all. Still not saying that he and I are together, but Mark wouldn't treat me that way."

"Hopefully, not with you then. You seem like a good kid." Then he chuckled. "But if you are, then I'm sorry."

"That still doesn't explain why you care so much if we're together or not." I shook my head.

He looked at me seriously. "I just don't want to see another person getting hurt by him. He may act dumb, but that's only to get his way, and he always makes sure he gets it."

I sighed, leaning back against the wall, just looking at him. I didn't expect for this to be thrown on me so abruptly, I was unprepared for all of this, but I needed to know more. "So, how exactly do you know all this about him?"

"I told you, he brought his ex here before too and we ended up being friends. However, unlike you, he told me everything that happened between them, and I mean everything. Then he came to me a week after Mark finished being his teacher, saying he never heard from him again. And when he found him again, Mark pretended like nothing ever happened. That's how they ended."

"How old was he?" I asked.

"My friend? He was eighteen. Mark isn't that stupid to date someone under the age of seventeen."

I rubbed my face in frustration. "You aren't fucking with me, right? You're telling me the truth?"

He rolled his eyes. "Now why would I be lying to you about something like this?"

"Well, I don't know. It's my first time being out of my house and with people of my age, and I've never trusted anyone in my life, other than my family and Mark. However, I'm not even sure I can trust him now."

"I'm not saying that you have to trust me on this, but you should just watch yourself with him. Hell, the man couldn't even say I love you when the moments came," he explained with a frown.

I shook my head, my mind running with thoughts. "I don't know what to think about all of this Felix, but I appreciate that you care. I'll try to be careful."

He took a piece of paper out and tore it half, then started writing something down. "If you ever need something, I'll be here for you, okay?" He passed the paper to show his phone number.

I folded it up nicely and smiled politely. "Thank you."

He stood up. "Class will be ending soon so I'll walk you back to the classroom."

We walked back in comfortable silence. All I could do was think about everything Felix told me. Could Mark just be using me for the sex? He hadn't said that he loved me, but he took me into his house because he didn't want my mom to take me away from him, so that has to mean something, right?

We stopped right in front of the doorway to the classroom, catching Mark's attention. We caught eye contact, but I quickly turned away. Suddenly I was caught off guard to Felix giving me a hug. I could tell from the corner of my eye that Mark was frowning. "Hey," Felix whispered, "take care of yourself, Jack. We never know when we'll see each other again."

I hugged him back. He was actually going to be my first friend. "I'll be okay," I assured him. "I hope to see you soon."

He pulled back, smiling, then he ruffled my hair. "Message me later if you want. See ya," he said.

"Talk to you later then," I said then he went walking back to the lunch room.

I smiled to myself as I watched him walk away, but it faded when I saw Mark frowning at me. He looked...disappointed and upset. Seemed like he was a jealous type as well. He suddenly came out towards me, closing the door after him. "Now, what was all that about?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

He furrowed his brows, not looking one bit happy. "Why did he give you a hug?"

I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, it was just a hug, it's harmless."

He looked me over. "What did he tell you?"

"Nothing important, we were just getting to know each other," I said harshly.

He didn't look like he believed me, but I had no intentions of arguing with him, so I pushed past him and went into the classroom. Many eyes went on me as I took a seat on the stool, still by Mark's desk. Mark came back in, keeping his posture, and took a seat at his desk as well. When the bell rang, and everyone had left, Mark leaned toward me and whispered, "We're talking when we get back to the house."

I shrugged. "Whatever."

I knew right away that it wasn't going to go well for me when we got back to his house, but I was prepared for whatever was to come.


A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday like I said, but I got a new laptop yesterday and I just started doing so much more on it. Also, Tuber Simulator has taken over my life. No joke.

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