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It was a bit odd to know Mark was upset with me. It wasn't something I was used to. He made no eye contact with me or tried to catch my attention. It was like my presence didn't matter to him. I would make little glances at him to catch his attention, but he was so professional at not acknowledging me.

When everyone from the final class of the day had left, he finally spoke to me. "Come on; we need to go to the office."

I nodded and trailed behind him as we made our way to the office. I stood outside, figuring that Mark wouldn't take too long. I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Felix standing before me.

All smile finally appeared on my face. "What's up?"

He pulled me a bit away from the office when he realized Mark was inside. "I was wondering if you would want to hang out?" he asked.

"Right now?" I asked, confused.

He laughed. "Of course. Some of my friends are going to hang. We would like you to join us."

I looked back at the office slightly, thinking of Mark, then looked back at Felix. "I don't think he'll be too happy about me leaving."

Felix gave me a concerned look. "So, he doesn't want you to have any friends?"

I looked down at my shoes and shrugged. "I don't know..."

He tugged at my hand, trying to pull me away. "Come on; I bet you he won't mind."

Then on cue, his voice sounding frustrated, filled our ears. "Where do you think you're going?"

I looked at him speechless. I tried to get my hand out of Felix's grip, but it was too strong for me. "Jack wants to come hang with me and a few of my friends."

Mark furrowed his brows, showing he was growing irritated. "No one gave his permission. Let's go, Jack." He made no other comment as he started to walk away.

"He's not going with you; he wants to hang with us," Felix argued.

Mark stopped in his tracks then turned around looking at us again. "Excuse me?"

"He wants to hang with us instead of you, it's not like you're going to stay long with him anyway," he yelled. Then everything went quiet. The moment seemed unreal. Mark looked angry with a hint of sadness, while Felix looked shocked. He let go of my hand gently. "I'm s-so sorry; I didn't mean to say that."

Mark shook his head, grabbing my hand, holding it in a firm grip. "Let's go."

I looked at Felix, who had already turned and started walking about to his friends. Mark forcefully took me over to his car and roughly made me sit in the passenger seat. I slumped in my seat as I realized how upset he was. When he was driving back to his house, I realized how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel. I didn't like the look on his face anymore. It made me a bit scared.

"Mark, are you--" "Jack, please, do not talk to me right now. I'm not in the mood so wait until we get to the house." He didn't look at me when he answered, so I decided to listen to him and shut up.

When we got to the house, I was still scared of getting near him. When we walked inside, Chica quickly ran to me, and I pet her happily, feeling myself calm down slightly. "Chica, go to your bed," his voice commanded, and she followed. He started walking to his bedroom, and he said, "Jack, please come with me."

I didn't hesitate to follow. Mark closed the door behind me once we were inside. I was going to walk over to the bed, but he pressed me against the door, trapping me in between his arms. I looked at him worriedly, expecting him to yell at me; instead, he wrapped his arms around me.

I was a bit taken back by his action. "Mark, is something wrong?" I decided to ask.

"I'm actually scared for once..." He breathed in deeply and continued to speak, "and that makes me a bit angry. But not at you..."

I felt uncomfortable in his arms. This was so unlike him. Plus I had no idea what he was talking, but I was going to get some answers.


I don't even know what's going to happen in the next chapter! I legit just wrote this chapter without really thinking, so I don't know how to transition. FUUUCK. but, i'll figure it out somehow.

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