The Flashback

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Cole stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, his mind replaying the events of Zane's sacrifice as his body felt numb to the pain.
The Golden Master glared down at the five ninja and two senseis from his scorpion-like mech, his fang-like teeth curved into a sneer as he mocked, "That was it?! That was all you've got?!" The ninja stood helpless as the Overlord charged up his power into golden tendrils, shooting out from his hands as they wrapped themselves around every ninjas' waists. They cried out in pain as Zane, the only one not caught by the tendrils, backed up, away from them.
"The armor!" Cole cried. "Why isn't it working?!"
"Because your time is over!" the Overlord scoffed, tightening his grips on the ninja.
Zane stared at the massive Golden Master, knowing he was not going to survive this battle. He took in a deep breath and mumbled, "Support me friends, for one last time."

Using his brothers as stepping stones, he launched himself at the Overlord's mech, grabbing onto the Golden Armor, armor filled with so much power that with one touch can kill anyone. Zane's entire body started to glow a light blue as he absorbed the power into his body, his heart rate quickly increasing as he gasped in pain.

"!" Zane choked out, his voice echoing his pain.

"Go where, doomed ninja?" the Overlord mocked, relishing the excruciating agony the white ninja was in.

Zane's entire body trembled with the overloading power, his artificial heart nearly reaching critical mass.

"The Golden Armor is too powerful for you to behold. Your survival chance is zero!" the Overlord cackled.

Zane choked out, "This isn't about numbers. It's about family!" His body absorbed the power from the golden tendrils, allowing his brothers and senseis to escape. The ninja looked up in horror as a blizzard started to form around Zane and the Overlord, realizing one thing.

"He's not letting go!" Lloyd cried, his eyes widening.

"His heart! It's reaching critical mass!" Jay exclaimed.

"If his heart overloads, he'll blow!! He'll never survive!" Cole cried.
"Let go of him, Zane! What is he doing?" Kai screamed against the howling wind.
"He's protecting us," Wu said, staring at his student protecting his family.
Zane felt part of his artificial skin fall off his face, showing the metal endoskeleton beneath, but he refused to let go. "I am a Nindroid, and ninja never quit!" he choked out, his voice quivering. "Go Ninja. Go!"

He charged up the extreme power of the Golden Armor, the overloading power of his heart and his elemental power of ice, creating a beam of energy and sending it straight into the Golden Master's chest.
"What are you doing? Let me go, you fool!" the Golden Master roared.
"No, Zane, no!" Jay screamed, running towards him desperately, only to be held back by Wu.
"We have to get out of here! Now!" Wu yelled at his students, pushing them back from the raging blizzard.

Large chunks of ice rained down from the battle above them, Garmadon had to
pull Jay and Kai back before they were crushed by one. The ninja continued to scream desperately for Zane to let go, for him to save himself, as tears froze on their faces. Everyone was pushed into a nearby building as the blizzard reached its peak, Kai and Jay screamed out one last time, "No!" as the doors were locked.

Less than a minute later, a large explosion was heard, shaking the entire city, and the sound of crackling ice followed. The temperature dropped exponentially, letting everyone see their breaths as they shivered in the dark. Cole unlocked the door but was unable to open it, it was frozen shut. He stepped back and started ramming the wall of ice until it shattered, revealing the ice covered city. The rest of the group trickled out of the building, shivering from the cold as they searched for any remains of Zane.

    Snow crunched under their feet as their eyes scanned the ice and snow, then Cole noticed something metallic reflecting in the sunlight. He hesitantly stepped up, his heart stopping when he saw Zane's face staring at him lifelessly, he reached down only to realize it was just a shell of his face. The rest of his body was never recovered.

A knocking on Cole's door brought him back to the present, Nya opened the door with a soft creak.

"Hey Cole," she mumbled. "Dinner's ready..if you want any."

He nodded, he could see her red eyes from his bed across the room. "Thanks, I'll be out in a sec."

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