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Wow, I can't believe it's been three months since I last updated. I'm sorry if anyone was waiting patiently for the next chapter! This and Rise of the Overlord were stories for my Creative Writing class last semester and the last chapter was where I had originally ended it, I had thought about continuing it with Lloyd's POV but decided on ending it there. After talking with queenofshade many months ago, she gave me the idea of continuing it with Lloyd's side. I hope you enjoy this!


That is how Lloyd is feeling.

After the death of Zane, then Kai leaving, then Jay rushing off to become a television host, then Cole disappearing, Lloyd couldn't help but feel abandoned once again. 

Well, kinda. 

He still had his father, who he still couldn't believe was finally free from the Devourer's venom after all of these years, his mother, who always stayed close to his father's side, and his uncle, who was helping teach the children different styles of meditation. 

 But there was one other person who felt worse than Lloyd; Nya. 

He had been searching for his father when he heard Kai and Nya talking some distance away, he spotted them at the gate to the monastery. Kai seemed to be pleading with her, but she shook her head and gestured back to the buildings. Lloyd snuck over to them, hiding within some bushes and eavesdropped on their conversation. 

"Nya, please, come with me. I don't want to leave you alone!" Kai pleaded, dropping his red bag onto the ground before grabbing his sister's shoulders. 

"I...I can't, Kai!" she choked out. "What about Jay and Cole? They're our family!"

Lloyd could see the pain cross Kai's hazel eyes, he hung his head, "They're not the same. We're not the same. Nothing has been the same since..." He took in a shaky breath, "Please Nya, come with me." 

She shook her head once again, struggling to hold back tears, "Don't leave, Kai. We can make the team better, the team needs us."

"They don't need me. I'm sorry, Nya." He kissed her forehead, picked up his bag and disappeared into the forest. Nya started sobbing, she turned and ran back into the monastery, locking herself in her room. 

Lloyd couldn't believe what he just witnessed; Kai just...left! He straight up left! Kai, the one who said, "There's always a need for a ninja." The one who risked his life for the sake of the country, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the team, just left! Lloyd felt betrayed, but yet...he could also see where Kai was coming from. He could see how everyone had changed over the past week, he wanted everything to go back to the way it was before, but that wasn't possible without Zane. 

Lloyd stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off of his black pants, glancing back to where Kai had disappeared to, and have a solemn sigh. How will I break this to the team? he thought despondently. But he didn't have to, Kai had planned ahead and left a note in his abandoned room. Lloyd stumbled across the note when he had taken a glance inside. He picked up the piece of parchment and read the scratchy handwriting:

To Lloyd, Jay, Cole, Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon;

I can't handle the silence anymore, no one has been the same since Zane died. I feel like there is a heavy weight that's suffocating everyone, and I'm going to be the first to crack under it's pressure. I would give anything for things to go back to the way it was; for Jay to make his ridiculous jokes, for Cole to take the reigns and lead us back into battle against anyone. I would give anything to wake up to the smell of Zane cooking breakfast, giving us a warm smile and telling us it was all just a bad dream. I would give anything to have taken Zane's place, he had more to offer to the team than me. He belonged more than me, I should've taken his place.

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