Chapter 2

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Picture of Hunter ----------------->

“Hunter, if you touch the remote one more goddamn time I’m going to personally castrate you and let you watch while I feed your cock to the dogs,” Sydney said angrily, snatching the remote back from him.

            “You wouldn’t do that, because then you wouldn’t get to have my cock inside of you,” Hunter said with his signature smirk.

            Alex had been gone for two hours and it had taken everything in Sydney’s power not to kill Hunter.

            “Like I would want that STD covered thing inside of me. You’d probably give me chlamydia you asshole.”

            “I don’t have STD’s,” Hunter said glaring at Sydney.

            “I bet you do. Knowing who you sleep with you probably have about a million of them.”

            “Fuck you Sydney.”

            “Chill, Mr. Grumpy.”

            “I’m not grumpy, you’re just a bitch.”

            “And you’re and STD loaded man whore.”

            “I do not have STD’s,” Hunter sounded really annoyed now.

            “You might want to get that checked.”

            “God, you’re annoying.”

            “And you’re an asshole. We’ve already established this.”

            Hunter glared at Sydney and Sydney glared back. Hunter was really getting on her nerves. More than normal.

            “Can’t you just go home? Why do you have to stay here?” Sydney whined.

            “Don’t whine. No one likes a whiner.”

            “Really? We’re going to be childish about this?”

            “We were already childish about this and it’s your fault. You bring out the worst in me,” Sydney crossed her arms and kicked her legs up onto the coffee table.

            “What? Now you’re pouting?”

            “I’m pouting because you won’t leave me alone.”

            “I’d leave you alone if you would let me watch football.”

            “I am not watching football Hunter. Football is stupid. Guy’s get dressed in tight uniforms and equipment that makes them resemble the Hulk and run after a ball, that no one is likely to catch unless you’re Spiderman,” Sydney ranted.

            She wouldn’t have a problem if he wanted to watch hockey, she loved hockey. It was by far her one and only favorite sport, but no. Hunter wanted to watch football and she just couldn’t let that happen. It would bore her to death and she wasn’t exactly inclined to give Hunter anything he wanted. Call her a bitch, but she was a girl and girl’s always got what they wanted. Which included not watching football.

            “First off, they wear those uniforms because it gives them more speed, second they wear the “Hulk like equipment” to keep from getting hurt and third they do not just run after a ball,” Hunter said snatching the remote back.

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