Special Note:
Before beginning this story, your character is around Jack's age. When your character met Jack as a child, they were around 7-9yrs old. After leaving Ireland and remaining in America all those years, you lost memories of your childhood. Understand that things from your past won't come clearly to you as an adult. Time passes, memories fade, and the future erupts new beginnings. Thank you! ❤️
—————————"C'mon Jack! You're so slow!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming! And stop calling me Jack already. My mother is the only one who can!"
It was a windy afternoon just like every other day in Ireland. The wind blew small whispers into my ears as I took another leap onto the big tree.
"I'm afraid of heights, Y/N!" Jack yelled at me.
"I promise, it's not that far up." I smiled giving a thumbs up. "Al-Alright!" Jack stuttered as his shaking hands grabbed the branch.
"U-Umm, are you sure about this?" He continued stuttering with fear. "If you don't come up here then I get all the cake and cookies to myself!"
"I'm not gonna let that happen!" A sudden breeze of courage came over Jack as he climbed the large tree.
Finally he came to the branch I was sitting on and moved over next to me.
"Wow..." I looked over and saw his eyes widening. "See? It's not bad! Just don't look down." I grinned mockingly.
"Hey!" He shot a glare at me. Staring into each other's eyes, my grew red and quickly looked away from embarrassment.
Silence fell.
I admit it, I like Jack.
I twiddled my fingers at the thought. "First one down gets the most cookies and cake!" Jack hastily jumped but cautiously went down the tree.
"No fair! You got a head start!"
We both landed on the ground at the same time. Jack gave me a high five, and laughed as we huffed and puffed from the climbing.
"Someday I think you can be a rock climber! A professional one too! You always climb trees and rocks so well," he smiled. "Really?" I scratched the back of my neck, "Yeah, unlike me who's afraid of heights," Jack frowned.
I bursted out laughing, "You can do anything if you pu—"
I gasped for air as I woke up from the dream. It was 5:39 AM. Slowly, I scratched my forehead scanning my bedroom.
"Just an old dream, huh?" I whispered. Smiling, I remembered coming to Ireland to see my father since he worked for the USA Air Force.
Arriving at a foreign country was frightening because of the culture, of course, but I was forced to transfer to a new school. That's when I met Jack. He was always made fun of for his high-pitched voice. One day, I stood up for him in class. Later, we walked home together and I believe we became friends from then on.
I was only in Ireland for 8 months, so I don't recall much. Maybe sometime I can take a vacation to Ireland. For memories-sake, nothing typical.
Although, I'd have to wait for summer for that. I'm an eighth grade English teacher, not a professional rock climber like I dreamt of.
The loud roar of the school's bells rang throughout the hallways. The students in my classroom immediately rushed out of class.
"Be sure to write the English paper about how 'Europe came to be', due by Thursday! Three paragraphs, complete seven sentences." I yelled over the sound of students running out the door.
Normally, no one would stay afterwards since I always left early. But today was different, there were one or two girls who had questions.
One took me by surprise.
"Miss Y/L?"
The student waddled over to me awkwardly, "Umm, have you ever been to Europe?"
I sighed, "Oh, well. Interesting question. Ahm, My father was in the Air Force. He was assigned to come to the United Kingdom but his flight schedule messed up and ended up in Ireland. So, yes I've been to a country in Europe." I chuckled.
"Really? Wow. What's it like in Ireland?" The student jumped in excitement. I pondered for a while.
"Well, it was cool, it rained often and there were a lots of farms if I recall." I pushed my index finger onto my lip.
"That's so cool!" They smiled, "Sorry, my curiosity overflowed my thoughts. Thank you," they continued. "I was happy to tell some old stories, is there a reason you're curious about Ireland?" I questioned.
"Not in particular, I mean. There's a pretty popular YouTuber who lives there," the student's voice softened.
"Oh? What's his or her's name?"
"Seán McLoughin, his YouTube channel is jacksepticeye. He's really loud, energetic, kindhearted. Just a real nice man in general!" the student blushed and fluttered with joy.
The name Seán rung a bell in the back of my mind.
I turned to my computer and typed, 'YouTube: jacksepticeye'
"Oh! I have to go, see you next week Miss Y/L!" the student's voice trailed off in the distance. I waved goodbye with my eyes glued to the screen.
'Seán McLoughin, also known as jacksepticeye on YouTube. He is known for his positive energy and loudmouthed videos...'
I read the description further and further. I don't believe this is who I am looking for.
For funsies, I clicked onto one of the videos recommended to me.
"Wapish! Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is jacksepticeye! Welcome back to..."
I stopped the video, his voice sounded familiar. I continued the video.
"...And I'll see all you dudes, in the next video!" The man screamed at the top of his lungs.
His outro started to play, I paused the video once more.
The voice, the name, and the facial features seemed oddly familiar.