Chapter 1~ The Struggle

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Naveen POV

Walking in pure darkness is the most terrible feeling you can ever imagine . Its like nothing can save you from deep depression . It's unbearable but its the only feeling you have . After my Father left when I was only 10 years old I started to get really depressed . My mother and siblings started worrying about me . Soon my whole family started worrying ....... I Used to be this Funny, Outgoing kid now its nothing but Depression . Sadness is all I feel my father leaving me just affected me really bad (N/A: Separation Anxiety)

We Had that father daughter bond that was unbreakable and now he's gone..... Sometimes I blame myself for him leaving even though my mother said its not my fault ........ I think it is. I starred at the ceiling until my alarm clock went off . my hand shot up pushing the dismiss button. I sighed and got out of my bed walking into my bathroom and doing my morning routines .When I was done I pulled out my big baggy Grey sweat pants ,black Nike's , Black Tight tank top showing off my big boobs , and my black and grey Hoodie . I put all my long curly hair in a messy bun so none of it would come out of my hoodie . Grabbed my keys , bookbag , and phone . And walked downstairs to see my older sister Tiara and my older brother Jared . There in College , my mother was in the kitchen with a big smile on her face .

"Good morning Nana would you like some breakfast " she said as her no good boyfriend came in the kitchen ugh I hate him so much . Can't my mother see all he is doing is using her for Sex & Money he makes me sick . Leroy Simmons , that's that bastards name . I looked at my mother as she looked at me with hoping eyes .

"Ill pass" I simply said walking out of the house to the bus stop as If on cue the bus came and I got on it . I kept my head down so nobody would see my face . I got the usual name calling and harassment while I was on the bus . When I finally got to school I got off the bus and walked through the green Double doors of of EastBrook High school the worst Highschool .... Ever . I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for what I was about to walk into . One foot into the school you heard the usual conversations and the halls flooded with freshmen-Seniors .I sighed and walked to my locker as people looked at me...ok now I'm scared . I did my combination and slowly opened my locker as little papers and sticky notes came popping out of my locker. Everyone started laughing as I put my head down and picked up a few

- Ugly Bitch

- No Life Having Cunt

- Go Kill Yourself

O wait no this ones my favorite

- I bet your father is so disappointed

This is what I go through on the daily basics . I'm the kid that gets picked on to make other people feel better . Because I'm a Loner and have no friends .I have got told so many times I should just go kill myself . I almost Tried it once but I just couldn't do it . Like my family has enough problems already. I sighed grabbing a few books and turned on the hills of my Nikes but got pushed back into the lockers . I looked up to see none other then Jacob Perez and his crew

"What's good Shadow " he said with a smirk

"What! are you going to say anything " he said

"Nahh prince he to much of a faggot to " prod said as they all laughed including the people in the hallway. All of a sudden I felt myself getting kicked and punched in the stomach I dropped to the floor as the bell rung .Princeton bent down to my level and said...

"you might want to clean that up " he said talking about the the blood coming from my nose after that the boys laughed while walking down the hallway . I layed there for a little bit until I felt like I got the strength to pick myself up and drag my ass to the nearest girls bathroom . When I did I grabbed some towels and looked in the mirror to see I had a black eye . That's just awesome (sarcasm) . I looked in my bag to see if I had anything to cover it up or at least keep the swelling down . Nothing . I sighed As I finished cleaning my nose I grabbed my bookbag and walked to my first period class.

4th Period class

" Ok class we have a pop quiz " Ms.Kingston said she was a beautiful young teacher. In Her early 20s she was pretty cool from what students say .I never talk to her but I am one of her best students.

"It's 15 questions and it is going in the grade book guys "she said as everyone groaned

"I know I know but think about it,if you pass that's an easy 100% in the grade book " she said as everyone agreed

"Alright then lets get to work " she said and handed out the quiz.

I finished in 5 minutes because it was so easy I got up as everyone looked at me .....ha you know what's funny they can say that I'm ugly but yet they never seen my face. Anyway I walked up to her desk and placed my quiz on her desk .She looked up as I went back to my seat few minutes later she called my name .

"Shadow can you stay back after class for me? " she asked as everyone started giggling.

I sighed you can't be serious, even the teachers are calling me that

After class

The bell rung as everyone walked out ,but I'm stuck in here. I'm so pissed off right now . She closed the door and sat on top of her desk as I was in the chair with my head down.

"You know ...... your one of my best students but you don't talk to anyone " she said softly I just stayed silent

"Do you have any friends ?......... " She asked I still stayed silent she sighed


"That's not my name " I said in my thick Hispanic accent I'm Portuguese (Brazilian) , Dominican, black and white. I guess she was a little taken back that I actually spoke

"Then may I ask your real name " she said with a smile

"Naveen ........ Lopez " I said as she nodded her head

"This is a nice start ...... You know .... I would love to actually see who I'm really talking to " she said with a smile I stayed still

"Ahh come on ....please " she asked nicely .... I can't believe I'm doing this. I put arms inside of my hoodie and slowly took it off making my long curly Auburn hair drop to my butt and her to actually see my face. She was so surprised about the way I looked...

"I know in ugly you shouldn't be that surprised-"

"Naveen you are very far from ugly your so beautiful ..... and you hide it under that hoodie ... I wish I could look like you right now ... but what happened to your eye" she said concerned

"I ran into a pole " I said as she made a unbelievable face

"Naveen -"

"Look no disrespect Ms. Kingston but you don't know me ok and I don't know you so why don't you just stay out of my business and act like this whole thing never happened " I said kind harshly while putting my hoodie on and grabing my bookbag walking out but stopped .

"I'm sorry to be so harsh " I said before walking out of the classroom

Later that day

Ahh finally the end of the day I made it yes. I quickly grabbed all of my things almost making it to the bus when I got slammed into the ground . I was gasping for air because I just got the wind knocked out of me . I looks up my eye sight blurry to see yet again princeton , Roc ,and Prod all infront of me with princetons girlfriend and her crew

"Thought you could get away so fast shadow " he said with a smirk and threw a punch at me I rolled out the way and took a run for it as I felt them chasing after me

"Shit shit shit " I told myself as I jumped trashcans and down gates they were right on me so I cut through an ally that I know from the back of my hand and lost them I was right infront of my house so I walked inside fast and locked the door. I sighed in relief and I ran up to my room and looked out my window to see them looking around and saw them quit and walk out of the neighborhood .......... Ahh The Struggle .........

O shit that was close ...damn I was in the background like "Run Bitch Run " Lol but yeah firt chapter to start this one off hope y'all liked it and please





Luv y'all

Under The Hoodie ~ Princeton Love Story(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now