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Its like I'm floating. Nothing but darkness surrounds me. Than a light. I try and run for the light, but my limps stay stiff. I willed a pleaded for them to move, but I still felt motionless.

'You, my child, must not fear the dark. It is a beautiful thing.' A voice whispered. I began to fear the dark more. I wanted to leave. I wanted to see Ash. Oh my god. Ash. She...she...she's a wolf. A beast. Why am I so infatuated with her?

'My child, rest your mind. Your mate shall live. But you will not if you continue fighting your darkness.' The voice spoke, more forceful this time. I than stopped trying to move. "I'm listening!" I called out. Well, at least I tried to call. No words left my mouth, but I could still feel the air past my mouth.

'Good, child. You are changing, luckily your wolf did not want you to feel this pain, so it took control." The voice chuckled. I was confused. I'm a wolf, Ash is my mate? What in the fuck is going on and who is this voice?
'All in do time child. For now, rest.' The voice cooed.

I felt a rushing of wind past me, but I could not see. I was just falling. I felt safe like this though, like I was being lulled to sleep. My darkness is beautiful and peaceful. I could feel a heavy weight lift off my chest, than a child like laughter filled my ears.

I was no longer falling, but floating in mid air. Light filled my eyes and I was in my living room. There was something familiar about it, but also foreign. Than my sister ran out...wait...IT WAS ME!

I stared at the girl before me, still so young, holding up her favorite book. She handed it to me. I shakily took it, not wanting to upset the child. She smiled at me and took my hand, leading me to my fathers chair, and sitting me down.

She than climbed into my lap. I already knew what she wanted. I cracked open the old book and read aloud. My story telling was complete with changes in voice and small noises with my hands.
The child watched in awe.

Than it faded into darkness. I wanted to scream, but no sound was heard.  Only the sensation of me falling once more. This time, I was in the woods. I seemed to be fallow in some foot prints.

They were large and bear shaped, but something told me that though it fits the size, that was not what I was tracking. Continuing my trek, the paw pints began to get smaller and more elongated, almost human like.

I knew now that I was chasing the one thing that I love, that I am becoming. A wolf. When I saw her in the clearing, I wanted to run to her and tell her that I love her, that she is my everything. I took a step forward and that's when she morphed into something out of nightmares.

This was me. My darkness and my past had shaped a pure soul into a hideous black monster. I was about to run when I looked into its clouded eyes. I didn't need to run. I needed to save it. Save me. Taking a step forward, I hugged the creature, bursting into bright lights.

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