The Hunger Games: It's Not Over

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Okay. So. Hey. This is my first fanfic! Whoo!

I’m Just gonna explain this system to you.

To sponsor a tribute, just message me! You can sponsor more than one tribute. Just message me “I would like to sponsor __________” and I will create an account for your sponsorships. I will split your coins evenly between both of your tributes. You start with 20 Coins upon sponsorship. You can purchase items from my “Sponsorship Catalogue”. They all have different prices. I’ll always let you know what day it is in the story. You can earn coins by:

Messaging me: 5 coins

Reviewing: 10 coins

Posting a link to my story: 20 coins

If you would like to request a tribute as an ally, Message me. (You will get coins.)

If you would like to request a kill- (either by your tribute or by other tribute) Message me. A kill will cost 70 coins. A message will be sent to a random sponsor of that tribute. If they pay 70 coins back, their tribute is rescued.  If your tribute dies, you can donate your coins to another tribute’s sponsor, or sponsor another tribute. Whew. That was complicated. Okay now, to the catalogue!


1 Whole Fruit: 5 coins

Powdered Nuts: 5 coins

Whole Nuts: 6 coins

Dried Fruit Pieces: 6 coins

3 Portions of Raw Meat: 8 coins

Soup (with small pot and spoon): 8 coins

Feast: 15 coins (per person)

District Bread: 6 coins

Capitol Bread: 7 coins

Water Bottle (full, un refillable): 5 coins

Water Jug (full, un refillable): 7 coins


Knife: 8 coins

Dagger: 5 coins

Spear: 10 coins

Bow @ 12 arrows: 13 coins

Trident: 20 coins

Boomerang with blade: 12 coins

Small Handgun with 15 bullets: 30 coins

Spearhead: 3 coins

Knife set: 15 coins

Quiver of arrows (12): 6 coins

15 Bullets: 10 coins

Sword: 15 coins


Thermal sleeping bag: 20 coins

Blanket: 5 coins

Camouflage coat (magically camouflages you in every environment: 30 coins

Inflatable pillow: 10 coins

Tree belt (straps you into a tree): 5 coins

Thermal Jacket: 10 coins

Thermal Pants: 10 coins

Spare Clothes (shirt and pants): 10 coins (HINT- THESE WILL BE USEFUL)

Socks: 3 coins

Running shoes: 13 coins

Small Backpack (Holds 5 items): 10 coins

Medium Backpack (Holds 10 items): 15 coins

Large Backpack (Holds 15 items): 20 coins

XL Backpack (Unlimited Capacity): 25 coins

Smokescreen (held over a fire to stop smoke signals): 6 coins

Pot: 5 coins

Instant heater (Like an oven burner, therefore no smoke): 10 coins

Water Bottle and Purifier: 7 coins

Water jug and purifier: 13 coins

Rope: 8 coins

Poison tester (tests if things are poisonous): 35 coins

Flashlight: 5 coins

Matches: 5 coins

Lighter: 7 coins


First aid Kit: 8 coins

Burn ointment: 8 coins

Poison Antidote: 8 coins

Antibiotics: 10 coins

Fever Reducer: 6 coins

Instant Heal (heals anything, can only be purchased once): 30 coins

Bandages: 10 coins a box (10 multi size bandages)

Remember, I have power to kill off anyone! MWAHAHA! I’ll try to kill of the tributes with the least sponsors. OH! And I’m skipping the reapings. I want some characteristics of the characters to be a surprise. Okay so, I’m done my blabbering. May the odds be ever in your favour!

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