Chapter 7

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"THIS IS STUPID!" I shout dramatically as I'm being dragged by Gumball and Fi towards the indoor pool.

  Gumball was struggling as Fionna's strength surpassed him. Marshall just walked casually. His vibe was 'I-don't-know-these-people' I chuckled at the thought as I tried my best to stop being dragged.

"Y/N! It'll be fun!" Fi said

"There's nothing cool about going to the pool. Especially public pools!" I shout

"What's so wrong with indoor public pools?" Gumball asked

"Think about. The people never get out soooo when they need to use the restroom guess what?!? They pee in the POOL!" I shout

"They clean the pool, you idiot." Marshall said

"What'd you call me!" I shout "listen either way people spit in the pool. Probably haven't showered. Their saliva all inside the pool. People's crust feet. And they're private parts!! I like private pool like huge one at my house!"

"Y/N. They use Clorox and other chemicals."Fi said calmly as I was dragged inside the building

"C'mon y/n. Bare with us." Gumball sighed

"You know what. When you say the water is hot you better think about it first and before you know it, it's gonna be piss!....we'll see........I'll go but!" I shout confidently "on one condition"

"What would that be?" Marshall asked

"I want Gumball to give me a lifetime of strawberries." I say confidently

"Why?" Fi asked

"Because I'm a vampire. Plus I'm getting tired of continuously buying my own. And he's a prince for globs sakes!" I say

"Fair enough. But you have to enter the pool." Gumball added

"No shit Sherlock." I roll my eyes

"Alright then let's go." Marshall said

"Wait a minute where is cake?" Gumball asked

"She doesn't really enjoy the water." Fi sweat dropped

Mini time skip

"Y/n come in." Fi said laughing

"I love you're swimsuit~"Marshall winked at me

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"I love you're swimsuit~"Marshall winked at me

"Marshall! Be a gentleman. Y/n my dear, come in." Gumball said politely as I rolled my eyes

"I hate you guys." I mutter

"What was that?" Marshall asked

"I think she said that she loves us." Fi smiled

"Shut up!" I say "I'm going in."

  I jump in, but right in front of Fi. When I reached the surface, Fi narrowed her eyes playfully as I stuck tongue out at her.

"That's what you get." I teased

"Hey y/n/n(your nick name), did you know that you look super hot." Marshall teased

I blushed a deep red.

"Look you got her angry." Gumball said

"I think it's the exact opposite." Fi smirked

"Since when were you on his side!" I say dramatically

"Oh so you do like me~" Marshall said

"N-no! I like you as a friend." I blushed again

"Your stammering says otherwise." He smirked

"You suck!" I say

"Oh yeah, don't all vampires?" He said sarcastically

"Ha! Y/n way to state the obvious." Fi chuckled

Time skip after the pool

"Well that was fun." Gumball said

"Yeah, I liked the part when y/n showed off her body." Marshall teased

"Hey! I never did that!" I shout

"You've been teasing her all day." Fi said

"I got bored." He shrugged

"Hey I'm not a toy." I pouted playfully

"W-hat kind of toy?" Gumball stammered with a blush

"Hey what are you thinking?" I teased him

"N-nothing." He stammered in embarrassment

"I know what he was thinking." Marshall smirked

"I'm confused..." Fi

"Why wouldn't you be." I rolled my eyes

"Well it's getting late, Fi and I should get going." Gumball said

"C'mon, it just turned dark." I pouted

"Not my fault you're a vampire." Fi teased

"Wow y/n you're getting teased a lot today." Marshall stated the obvious

"Well we'll be going. Cake will get worried." Fi waved

"Bye!/bye~" Marshall and I said in sync

"Soooo," I say awkwardly

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked as he showed me two tickets

I smirked. "So you planned this."

"I'll go ask someone else if you want." He turns around but I quickly grab his shirt

"Jerk" I mumbled as I looked down with my cheeks puffed out

"What was that?" He asked

"I'll go." I say as I look down, looking like a freaking tomato

"Alright then!" He grabbed me by my hand and we floated towards the movie theater.

"H-hey let go." I stuttered

"You are so cute when you stutter." Marshall said to himself

"I heard that!" I blushed

"Damn no privacy." He half shouted as he laughed afterwards

"I love friend." I smirked as I teased him into the friend zone

"I-I love you too..." he said as he pulled me to the theaters


Awe but still friend zoned boooo

Don't worry almost to he end, one more chapter

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