Chapter 4

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"COMING!" I heard from inside

When the door opened I saw Fionna. All dressed up already.

"Good morning." I say

"Y/N! MARSHALL! Come in!" She smiles

"Good morning to you too." I heard Marshall grumble

"Good morning honey buns. What are you two doing on this beautiful morning." Cake says..."WHY ARE YOU WITH MARSHALL!"

"Nothing really...we just came from the fire kingdom." I respond

"Yeah and she was dumb enough to go ahead and burn herself." Marshall say

"That's what happened to your right hand. That must suck." Fi says

"Yeah, honey you won't be able to play your guitar." Cake adds

"WAIT NO GUITAR!!! Oh no,oh no, oh no! I have to heal fast!" I say dramatically

"Don't be so dramatic." Marshall adds

"We could ask for Gumball's help." Fi said blushing

"Girl you make it too obvious." I sweat drop

"Yeah maybe he could heal it faster." Cake says

"Guys it'll just heal. Don't worry about it. Plus I think my hands deserve a break from the guitar."  I say

"Yeah I can always play the guitar for you~" Marshall cooed

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Cake was held back by Fi

"Watch it Kitty." He growled

"Good morning." Gumball entered the house

"G-good morning g-gumball." Fi stammered as she pulled her hair behind her ear

"Hi y/n,Fi , cake and ugh Marshall." Gumball said

"Hey do you got a problem Gumwad?" Marshall asked with a bored expression

"How dare you I'm a prince!" Gumball stated

"I'm a king. I outrank you." Marshall explained

  I laughed.

"Marshall with the comebacks!" I laughed

"Honey relax." Cake said

  I saw Fi trying to hold in her laughter.

"Fi I know you wanna." I said an she burst out laughing

"Tsk." Gumball was clearly annoyed while Marshall smirked

"I win~" Marshall said

"So why'd you come gumball?" I asked

"Cause I saw the most beautiful vampire ever!" He said referring to me

"I'm pretty sure compared to Marshall I'm hot~"I teased and when I saw Marshall blush I laughed

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