Edward Elric X Female Reader (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

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"Now look here you self-absorbed bastard of a palm tree," you say angrily, your dagger held out in front of you. "Tell me where Ed is... now!" Your voice cracks on the last word.

Envy laughs. "Humans. So predictable." He takes a step towards you. "Aren't you a little curious?"

You step towards him. "Tell me where he is or I'll kill you!"

"Good luck with THAT one." He sounds amused.

"Where. Is. He?!"

He rolls his eyes. "You really want to know? Are you sure? Because I don't want to tell you if you're not sure."

"Stop playing these games!"

He turns around, beckoning to someone enfolded in the shadows of the vast room. "Come on out, Pipsqueak."

You watch as Ed steps out into the light. The first thing you notice is his hair. It's out of its usual braid, and he's wearing the exact same clothes as Envy. Your eyes travel over the red marks on his body, including the ones on his newly regenerated arm and leg. That's when you see it.

There, on his arm, is the tattoo that marks him as a Homunculus.

You gasp and all of a sudden you can't breathe. With dread, you have a look at his eyes. They used to be so warm, so full of life and fire. But now they're blank and lifeless, lacking any emotion. Your heart sinks.

"No," you whisper. "Not him. Not Edward. No. You... you BASTARD!" 

You charge at Envy, your dagger aimed at his heart. He grins and dodges each slash, talking as he goes.

"It wasn't that hard for Father to create this one. I must admit, Pipsqueak did put up quite a fight... but the Homunculus won. We always do."

Your are becoming more and more aggravated by the second, and your anger makes you blind. Envy kicks you backward and you go flying, your knife clattering to the ground.

"His arm and leg regenerated, but they're not made of any normal material. They're made of some sort of matter that only he can produce. I'm assuming it's because he was an alchemist." Envy smirks.

The Homunculus that used to be Ed walks up to you and picks you up by your (h/l) hair. He starts to drag you back towards Envy, who is ready for another round.

You're crying, but not because of the pain in your stomach, in your scalp. Ed is gone. And in his place... a monster.

He throws you at Envy's feet. 

"What are you... crying? Pathetic," Envy spits at you.

You wipe the tears from your eyes and stand up slowly. "I... I..."

You pull the concealed knife from your sleeve and lunge for his heart, hoping to temporarily disable him. However, the other Homunculus steps in, grabs your wrist, and twists it so hard and fast that it breaks.

You yell out in pain and Ed's eyes flash with something before fading back to a dull stare. Though the flash was brief, it was there, and it gives you hope.

Clutching your wrist, you move towards the Homunculus. You slowly unlock your fingers from your good hand on your injured one, and reach towards his face.

You stroke it once before he strikes you across the face and pushes you to the floor. Pain blossoms in your back and you grit your teeth. You slowly get to your feet and reach out towards him again.

"What are you doing?" Envy says, sounding irritated and bored. You're no longer playing his game, so it's no longer fun for him.

Ed pushes you back again, harder, faster. This time you can't stop the tears or the yell that escapes as as you land on your broken wrist.

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