10 1 0

Lists. They help everything and everyone, so- using the information I just made up in my head-I decided that making a list would be my first step to change. First step. Trying to talk to people. Easy enough said but done is a different thing entirely. I grab my computer, the bright light of my desk lamp hitting the side of my face, and type in a few simple words to google.

How to be likable.

I go down the list, choosing WikiHow and checking them off as I read them.

1. Be respectful and polite to others.


2. Be confident

Not good

I open another tab, googling How to Be Confident

1. Appear confident.

I write that down on my list, as well as the examples they provided.

2. Perfect your posture

I write down different ways to achieve that

3. Smile

Self explanatory

4. Eye contact

Again, pretty self-explanatory

5. Approachable body language

I write down the different ways to do that, moving onto the next point

Feeling as if I had all I needed in that department moved back onto the previous tab.

3. Be honest (gently)

Could improve but it's easy enough

4. Listen


5. Ask questions


6. Use their name

Interesting. I scribble that down quickly and continue on

7. Know your audience


8. Recognise reciprocation


9. Make them laugh.

Easy enough.

I continue through the whole article, taking down notes on what I feel is necessary. Grabbing my phone, I check the time quickly before texting Michael. It's only 1:30, he'll be up.

Me: Can you come shopping with me tomorrow?

I close my computer and put it on charge before my phone goes off with a text from Michael.

Michael: I'll be on the 10 o'clock train

I give myself a small smile and open the top drawer of my desk, pulling out a bottle of seafoam nail polish along with a base coat and a top coat. After I do my nails it's around 2:15. Getting into my pyjamas I braid my hair and get into my warm bed, taking my phone off my bedside table and start scrolling through my Instagram feed.




Hate her.

Hate her.

Eww, really?

Hate her.

Is she making a feed?

Damn her feed is amazing.

Should I start a feed?

I'm gonna start a feed.

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