Chapter 2

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3 Years 1 Month 24 Days

"Hello there Ashley, I'm Soma" a terribly out of place, cheerful voice said as the so-called Soma introduced themselves. Ashley was more than confused, this person had no allegiance, out of place clothing and personality, eyes that had a black film over seemingly red pupils unlike his own dull, dead, brown ones, and not to mention how he couldn't even tell their gender. The brunette didn't take their hand as the two stood there in place, simply muttering in a low voice "How do you know my name..."

"Oh I don't think that's all too important Ash." the ravenette chirped, not drawing back their hand.

"I beg to differ. What are you playing at?"He quipped.

"Absolutely nothing. I merely want to become your friend." They said as they indicated at their hand.

Ashley couldn't even be bothered to roll his eyes, with what he had been planning it wouldn't even matter if he was falling into a trap. For some reason however, the two rivaling forces surrounding them did nothing but watch as the young soldier took the stranger's hand. Further proof that the minds of the people here has been completely corroded as the boy proceeded to ignore them. Once they made contact, Soma started smiling, even wider than they had been, it seemed so out of place in this situation, time, and place. The two held hands briefly before Ashley pulled away, glancing around, expecting something to happen. Of course nothing did.

"Well then Ashley, would you follow me please?" Soma asked after bringing their hand back to their side. Only then did another decide to speak, the Rimare commander of this attack, "now wait just a god damned second. What's to say you aren't on those bastards side?"

"Bastards? Watch your mouth filthy mongrel. Why don't you go back to your commanders and be the lapdogs that you are? We at least allow other opinions and aren't mindless idiots. We don't even recognize the twat, who are you fooling he's one of yours."

"Say that again I fucking dare you, we're not the ones dropping like flies out here. And for the record we wouldn't even recruit such a flimsy child even in desperate times."

"Well we have more dignity than to resort to cheap ambushes."

"Excuse me but this is war. Don't let the stale mate tr-"

"Oh everyone SHUT UP!!" Soma cut in, clearing their throat afterwards, once again freezing the two opponents in their spots. Honestly they were more childish than five year olds. "As I was saying" the ravenette continued "Ashley won't you come with me, please. I assure you, all of you that I am neither blue nor red nor whatever other colors is being used here. I am Soma. I'm only here for Ashley."

"What do you want from me, I sort of had my own plans here." He replied glancing between the two warring forces.

"As I said, follow me. There are places I need to take you that is outside of this dull place."

"No thanks." He shot, his voice still flat and quiet "I'm quite fine here thank you very much, in fact I couldn't care less about leaving or living here."

"Well if you don't care you might as well come with me."

The stranger got him there, "But I don't -" Soma cut him off, grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him off the battlefield. "Come on then, this way" they chirped seemingly heading in a seemingly random direction. The brunette did try to protest against this but with minimal effort, but half way through he just gave up seeing no point in arguing, and he didn't have the motivation for it since the other didn't seem to be able to hear him. So he just allowed himself to be lead by the stranger, treading behind them as he was pulled along in silence as if he was a dog being walked, the only sound coming around were from far away gun fires and Soma's humming.

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