Who's gay? Damn sure ain't me!

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🦁Lucious Pov-

This is gonna sound immature.

But I feel like the true big boy boss now.

But I feel like the true big boy boss now

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I have a female in my gang.

Not just any girl either, the girl who I've recently become extremely attracted to.

Yo these niggas can't say shit about me.

Trust me I will make Cookie Robinson my girl

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Trust me I will make Cookie Robinson my girl.

Remember Vernon was telling me some other cats thought I was gay, because they never saw me with a female.

Well guess again bitches.

Now that I think about it, no girl has ever made me feel this way.

When Bunkie and the rest of the squad find out she's my number two.


I don't care what they say, I see something in her.

I see a ride or die instinct, but for it to come out, we would have to be put in a tight spot. And I don't want to be put in a tight spot.

But that might need to happen.

Ok so this is what everyone wants to know.

My big fucking secret.

Cookie ain't gonna find out for sure.

Well when Cooks and I get together and comfortable.

We're going to have sex.

And let's just say that:

I hope I don't cum fucking quick.

I hope I don't cum fucking quick

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Fuck outta here I'm not gay.

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