Nouis BSM

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• You Come Out •

You were in your bedroom shaking walking back and forth, "how am i going to do this?," "i should just leave it a secret" "whats going to happen if they dont accept me? Should i just run? Start a new life?"

"Dont be silly Y/N it will go perfectly fine just go straight out with it, "louis niall im bisexual," it will go fine you got this"

You were having a mental fight with yourself, trying to get the courage of doing this, the courage to stop hiding you wanted to be free you wanted the weight from your shoulders to be gone you sighed and rubbed your face before taking slow steps towards the entrance of the living room where your brothers were, along with the boys talking and watching a show great you thought you huffed and walked back to your room then back to the living room a bunch of times before going through with it

"Hey um guys sorry for interrupting but can i talk to you for a second? Its kinda important," you said walking in and taking the closest seat near you, which so happened to be next to your brother, Niall they all looked at you and each other and nodded, putting their attention towards you You shifted uncomfortably on the cushion before sitting fully up, welp here goes nothing you thought before taking a deep breath, you were about to start when Louis interrupted you, "before you start, we wanted to talk to you aswell, you've been very distant lately and we want to know why, is there anything we did? Anything bothering you ? You know you could tell us anything," that makes things a bit more easy you thought, you took a shaky breath "thats what actually what i wanted to talk to you about," you took another shaky breath and continued, "ok so before i say anything please dont let this little thing change how you treat me, this is part of me and if you respect it great, if you dont then dont, Niall, Louis, boys, i am um bisexual, i've known since middle school, i've just been scared of how to put it and how to say it, but i am tired of hiding this part of me from you and i just wanna be free and i want to be me, i am bisexual," you said feeling proud of yourself, but at the same time scared because everything was silent, you just sighed and headed upstairs before being pulled back and into someones chest, you look up to see Louis "we love you, we're proud of you love," he said kissing your forehead and pulling you out of his arms only to be pulled into Niall's "we're so proud," He said holding you tight, and kissing your head, you were pulled into hugs and alot of 'were prouds' 'we love you's' and congrats' were coming for all of them you just sat there smiling , you had great people in your life like them you can always rely on to accept and love you.



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