Lirry DDM

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Harry // dad | Liam // papa

You sat at the couch looking at your phone with anger and sadness as your boyfriend of 1 year broke up with you over text, he told you how you were a bet and how he would never date someone as ugly as you, you just stared at the text rereading it over and over, you had tears brimming your eyes and streaming down your face as you read the text one last time before throwing your phone across the room with a loud crash and falling on the couch, face in pillow, small sobs came from your body, some loud ones escaping aswell, you heard footsteps coming from upstairs and kitchen and towards you, "Kitten?" You heard your concerning dad, harry say softly, from behind you, you dont even look up you just reply with a small sob, Harry looked at Liam before he rushed over to you, Liam behind him, he sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap rocking you back and forth while liam crouched down to your level stroking your hair "whats wrong kitten?" Harry asked looking down at you, you point over to your phone Liam look at harry confused then went towards your phone that still had the text open on the phone, Liam pick up your phone and read the text, raged filled him "that bastard im gonna kill him," Liam said and handed your phone to Harry to read the text aswell with each word Harry read his eyes grew with rage but kept calm for your sake, "its ok love , its ok he's not worth your tears kitten," Harry said gently while he rocked you back and forth humming to you and stroking your hair, thats when you had a small idea, you leaped off of Harry's lap and ran to your room, ignoring the calls of your name and footsteps behind you, you closed your door and locked it, stripping out of your clothes you were in before and switching to black ones, you walk over to the side of your bed and grab your bat you kept there incase of an intruder, you peeked your head out of the door to see if the coast was clear, only to be met with the concerning faces of your dads, but that turned into confused ones once you made your appearance known to them, you headed downstairs and slipped on your converse, "where are you going?" Harry asked as he and Liam followed you downstairs, "out, be back in a hour," You said making your way to the door "Your not going anywhere till you tell us where your going," Liam replied as he walked up to you "im going to get alittle revenge on my ex you guys can either join or not but im getting it either way," you said as you opened the door and started to head out "Y/N WAIT," you turn around to see your dads with spray paint and golf clubs, going to the car you smiled and made your way to the car, you hop in the back, Liam in the passenger, Harry in the drivers seat, you arrived at your ex's house and took your bat over to his car, you swing at the side first then the window, "are you guys gonna help or what?" You said looking over to your dads who had shocked with a bit of surprised faces your dads looked at each other before they hopped out with their gold clubs and spray paint "lets get to work," you huffed and then smashed his headlight and window, Harry took the spray paint and spray random words, and liam helped you smash the car once you were done you looked at your creation for a second and smiled before hopping into the car with your dads and driving off heading home for movies and junk food :)


Sorry for the long wait guys !!!

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