The DeVil'S Courier

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Chapter One:

The Parents

Some people say that humans sell their soul in many unusual ways. I, myself, have seen one way of selling your soul to a demon. That way is by the ritual done by the worshippers of Satan in the long years, his name is Judas Cooper. His story began here.

In the year 1845, a young girl gave birth to a girl. She was named Rose Campbell, named after her mother Rosalie. After five long months, they noticed something weird about Rose. Sometimes they found her alone in the kitchen left behind by a hard blow of wind. When she was six month old, her mother was shocked because of her six months in the world, she learned to talk well and learned how to walk. Her mother was amazed but she did not know who taught her to speak well talk well and walk like a professional. It was because of the demon that cannot escape in their house because of a curse.

In the year 1857, when she was in middle school, her classmates were curious about her of the reason she has small hands, but her feet are big. She was always teased by her classmates because of her condition. Until a day, she met a boy named Spencer Cooper. He was the teacher's favorite student because he was a NERD!!!! When she saw Spencer in the canteen, " GO near him! You two are compatible because you are both WEIRDOS!!!" said Lizzy. Lizzy is the most popular girl in the school. She really went near Spencer's table but she knew it was a joke. "Oh, hi. what can I do for you Miss........" he barely knew her name. " Rose. Rose Campbell," she said. " Yeah, Right. Uhmm....... What can I do for you Miss Campbell?" he asked. " Can I share with the table?" she asked shyly. " Sure, why not," he answered. They had conversations with their life. By and by, they became friends. They do things together. All of the things they've done, has connection with the universe and helps the people around them.

Until the Promenade day was on arrival. Spencer was going to ask Rose, but he saw Rose talking to a lad that he thought was a suitor that will ask Rose to the Promenade. He was so hopeful that he would be the date of Rose to the promenade. Rose saw him so she followed him. "Spencer!" shouted Rose. He stopped walking and talked to Rose." Who was that you were talking to? Is he your date to the Prom?" asked Spencer like he was interrogating her. " Are you kidding? He's not my boyfriend. His my brother," said Rose." Sorry, I thought he was your boyfriend," said Spencer like he was jealous of her brother. " It's fine. I'm not angry at you," replied Rose. " Uhm......... Rose, can I ask you something?" asked Spencer. " Sure, What'll you ask?" Rose replied. " Can you be my date to the Promenade?" he again asked. " Are you kidding?" she replied. " Would you want to go with me or not?" he asked." Sorry, I thought you were just joking.. Umhmmm.... Okay, I'll go with you. in one condition," she said. " What is the condition?" he asked." The condition is that you will not be late to the prom. Okay?" she stated the condition. " Sounds great," he said. They started walking home and left Spencer with a big kiss. He was overwhelmed and walked home. In the other day, faculty of the school started decorating the school for the incoming Junior- Senior Promenade. Everyone was so excited about it. Even Lizzy. Lizzy's mother was the President of the PTA. So she wouldn't be complete in the Promenade without a beautiful dress manually sewn by professional sewers in New York City, the Fashion Capital of the whole world (I guess?).

Until the Junior- Senior Promenade day came. All were very elegant and ready for the Celebration. Lizzy came in a squash-like carriage and was in a blue elegant dress. The crowd stopped and watched Lizzy walk in the Red Carpet. But Rose wouldn't end the surprise. Rose only came in a BUG-like car but double stopped the crowd. when she walked in the red carpet, everyone stopped and clapped. Rose was the star of the night, when suddenly, she stumbled and everyone laughed. Spencer helped her to get up. " Rose, are you okay?" asked Spencer. " I'm fine," she replied and got out of the school and went to the flagpole crying. Spencer followed her to the flagpole and helped her to stop crying. When she stopped, they immediately went back inside the school. They started dancing. They danced and danced until the others escaped to do what they want to do. They also stopped dancing and went to a more private place. they talked all about themselves. " Uhmmmm... Rose, I have something to tell you," he said." What is it?" She replied." I... l..l.....lo..v..e y....." and he stopped talking because Rose kissed him. They started having intercourse with each other And after that, they went home. Just after two months, she had the pregnancy test and she was confirmed that she was pregnant. She immediately said it to her parents. " Mom, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pregnant," she said nervously. " What have you done! How did you do this to us! We treated you as our little angel, but what did you do? You wasted it to be a minor mother! How could you do this to us?" said her mother angrily to her. She was out casted by her mother because of her betrayal. She immediately went to Spencer's house and hugged him tight as Spencer opened the door." What happened to you? Are you okay?" he asked her. They sat down on the sofa and talked about Rose's condition." Spencer," she said. " What's that?" he replied. " I'm pregnant," she replied. Spencer was shocked because, he never knew that she would be pregnant. Spencer's genius and nerdy parents suddenly came and talked to her. " Uh.... darling, what's your name?" asked Spencer's parents." Rose, Rose Campbell sir," she answered with a low voice. " How come, you visited our house? Is my son your classmate?" said Charlie (Spencer's father). " Actually I came here with a reason," she answered. " Then what is it sweetie?" said Jean (Spencer's mother). " I came here because I'm pregnant. And your son is the father of the baby I am carrying today in my stomach. It happened two months ago after thepromenade," she explained briefly. " How could you do this to us? They are your responsibility from now on! Find some work," said Charlie. Spencer's parents left their house and went to his mother's place in Paris, France. Months and months go by, Rose's stomach became bigger and bigger. Every month, they go to the doctor to check the baby's condition. Rose only eats food good for the baby. One stormy night, they had a financial problem in the ninth month of the baby, then suddenly, a possession occurred in Rose's body and at the same time, her water broke. They brought him to the convention of the church in their place (Brandenburg, Germany) because in that time there were no public hospital in that place.

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