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                   Rose was tied in a sturdy mattress and Spencer called the priest in the church. " Father!" he said. " What can I do for you my dear child?"Father Guerrero answered (the parish priest in charge in the parish in Brandenburg). " We need you to conduct an exorcism for my wife that is pregnant, " he asked for Father Guerrero's help. " I'm sorry son but I have a mass today," sad the priest. So, what he did is to search for a certified and professional exorcist all around their town(Potsdam). He searched around their town, until he found an old house near Lake Havel in Potsdam. There lived an old man named William Blunt. He was a professional exorcist in his own days. He had many costumers that times. Until, one day , he thought that he was going to be lucky with this one because it is the easiest exorcism in his exorcist years. When he started the exorcism, he first got his cross and his holy water before any incantations said. " I'll kill you! You motherf*cking as*hole priest! S*ck my d*ck priest!!!!!" Mikee said ( the boy being possessed). After that he mentioned some incantations, " I curse all of the people in this house specially you motherf*cking priest!!" said Mikee. Then what he did is get the knife beside him and cutted his vein. Mikee died and the demon possessed it was stuck in the mirror in their house. Jessy ( Mikee's mother) cried and cried because Mikee, died as an innocent and intelligent child that did nothing but help his parents and do his studies. William just got out of the house and from that day on, he stopped doing exorcism and just stayed at his house near Lake Havel. But he was invited by  Spencer so he just accepted it because he could again hurt someone's feelings and insights.

                    Before the exorcism start, they called the nun that will act as a midwife to get the baby inside the stomach of Rose. The sudden exorcism begins in August 15th 1669 on a stormy night. William first get his holy water and bible as usual as he did as the last exorcism he did. " Lord, help me so this exorcism won't fail again like the last exorcism I did." he cited as he ask for the Mighty Lord's help. The exorcism begins. Everyone  went to their own position. The priest said some incantations or so called exorcism prayers. " I'll kill you! You motherf*cking as*hole priest! Lick my pussy priest!!" Rose said. William suddenly remembered his last exorcism because Mikee also said the phrase that Rose also said. He was nervous because it also happened in the exorcism that he conducted to Mikee's body. This time he kept at peace so he can concentrated on what he is doing so he can concentrate on what he is doing. The exorcism is going on. he was staying in concentration. At last, it was a complete success for him. The demon was trapped forever in the mirror forever with a curse that he couldn't escape in that house forever. 

                        After a month, Judas is now a month old. Rose is now working on a private company as the Assistant Manager. Spencer is busy of his Training to be an army of Germany. " Someday, I want my son to be like me. Like an honorable army of our country, Germany," said Spencer in his mind. Spencer left and kissed Judas in the fore head and left him to Chona( the babysitter/ nanny of Judas. After an hour that Chona was just chatting to her friends and listening to music and did not babysit Judas because it was just sleeping, she noticed and saw that Judas was floating to the kitchen but she thought that it was just an illusion so she did not so she did not defaced it. But as she looked at the kitchen she saw Judas standing with a help of someone or something invisible holding on him. She was shocked. "How could a month old baby stand on its own?she said so curious then she was illuminated by the demon standing on fire with Judas. So what she did is ran out of the house and scream. The neighbors was irritated by her voice but the noise stopped because Chona tripped to a rock and down to the canal and broke every bone in her body and she turned into a bloody animal that stinks in the canal.

                        Spencer and Rose are home now. They just saw Judas in his crib and  he is just playing with his toys and its feeding bottle and no babysitter around him and saw that the radio was still on so they turned it off. In the morning, they again find a babysitter to take care of Jude( nickname of Judas). In a small but clean house, they saw an old woman who was viewing the old photos of her, taking care of a baby in her old days. * knock knock* they knocked on the door slowly so the old lady would not be disturbed so much so they made a slow motion of knocking to her door. " Hello, is someone here?" they asked with a low voice. " You may come in." the old lady said. So, they came in and saw the old lady crying. " Why are you crying? May I see the pictures your holding?" they asked. " Sure thing," said the old woman. They saw the pictures of the old woman with a baby she was holding. " By the way, what is your name?" they asked.  "My name is Vilma." said the old woman. " Who is this baby you are holding?" they asked. " She is Willena,"  she answered. " She was the baby that I was babysitting years ago. She was the first and the last baby I babysitted. She was decapitated by his father who came home drunk and had drugs like metamphetamine."  she said.

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