My Day at the Beach

94 10 23

(Author's Note: My official qualifying story for Smackdown 2016.Word count, 483 not including this note.)

"You know," Reaper said, his voice barely above a whisper, "the sand around Prince Edward Island, up in Canada, is red."

No one said anything, we were all too interested in our rat-packs.

"High iron content," he continued, "makes it all look — red."

"Shut up, will ya?" I asked him.

There was an explosion behind us. It was one of the booby traps that Double-Tap had set.

"FuuuuucccckkkkkK!" The Waitress cursed out loud as we all heard the wet plopping and smacking of bits of alien body hit the ground, and us. Even though we all ducked-and-tucked at the sound of the explosion, covering our open food packs, she still managed to have bits of Krem warrior land on her, and in her pouch of "Beef Stew, Rehydrated, Just Add Hot Water, Exp. 2352-June".

Well, so much for chow.

"Double-Tap, Waitress, go check that out."

Everyone set down their ration and picked up bio-matter weapons as the two women went to take a look at the tripped trap.

"Hey, Wheels, see if you can raise 29-Palms yet."

"Sure thing, Sarge."

Reaper nudged me, "Sarge, we haven't heard from Lake Bandini in days. You think they're still there?"

"Could be the Krem interfering with the radio," I said as I looked up. The brilliant points of lavender high in the atmosphere showed where the invaders transport ships were orbiting. There was so many of them. I was eternally optimistic.

Reaper put his hand on me to steady himself. He pulled his combat knife and lifted a foot, scrapping the blood-soaked sand and bits of Krem warrior off of his boots. I looked around at all the bodies: some human, some Krem — mostly human. The human ones only had two legs.

Double-Tap came sauntering back through the low bushes behind us.

"Where's the Waitress?" I was concerned she came back alone.

Jerking her thumb over her shoulder at the Coronado Hotel, what was left of it, "She decided to go huntin' for treasure again."

Everyone chuckled, except me. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath.

"Sarge, chillax'," Reaper chided me, "You know the girl's gotta have what the girl wants."

I turned and gave Reaper a squirrely eye.

"Let it go, 'bro. You know she can't help herself. It was her kid's favourite. It's the only connection she has with the little guy anymore."

We had all lost people. We had all lost family.

"Shit, Sarge, if the girl can find some, you know she'll share. Let her be. This area is clear — mostly."

"Mmmm," was my only response. If she could find some... my mouth started to water at the thought of those delicious little golden logs of pure heaven.

At that moment I saw the Waitress standing tall in a blown out portion of the hotel, waving her arms. Reaper and I watched her as she cupped her hands and shouted. The sound eventually came across the beach, full of excitement.


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