To Boldly Go

51 9 10

My submission for Round 2 Pot 1 of Smack Down: The Second Coming. The images I used are:

#2 - Canadian hotties; #5 - Space Explosion; #6 - The pilot and the chimp; #7 - spaceship; #11 - Self-portrait :-) and of course, #9! Total word count: 3,984.

To Boldly Go

"Put that down," Jim said menacingly, glaring at his furry little navigator.

Bite me. Charles bit off a mouthful of the delicious, golden, cream-filled log of gastronomic delight.

"You son-of-a ..." Jim started reaching for him.

 Rachel stuck her head full of long raven-coloured hair up through the hatch to the small bridge,  "STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!"

The pilot turned in his seat, "Will you tell this little ..."

Charles reached out and grabbed Jim's head, pulled it close, and gave him a big wet kiss with sloppy Twinkie-crumb-covered lips. The primate jumped from his seat, grabbed the emergency handhold with his foot and hung upside down, chanting as he finished the small package of Rehydrated Desert Item #4302-C6, more commonly known as ...

Twinkie, Twinkie, Twinkie, you are the one for me ... Charles began singing, letting everyone on the ship hear him. The laughter bubbled up from the deck below. The pilot's love of Twinkies was legendary.

Jim glared at Charles, then at Rachel, "Who's brilliant idea was it to let a telepathic chimp be the navigator, Captain?"

She gritted her teeth, "We left Scugog Prime only thirty minutes ago; can you two NOT get along? Do I have to separate you?"

Charles balled up the empty Twinkie wrapper and flicked it at the ship's pilot, bouncing the wrapper off the bald spot in the middle of the human's short grey hair.

Jim turned around in his seat, faced his console, folded his arms, and muttered, "Fine. Just ... fine."

Captain Rachel Laverdure disappeared back down the ladder, muttering loud enough for both of them to hear, "I swear to fuck, I'll turn this spaceship around if you two don't knock it off."

The chimpanzee navigator settled back into his seat, his furry paw reaching forward and calling up the nav plot. He looked over at the old man next to him, Dude.

No response.

C'Mon, man. You know I can't resist those things.

"That was the last pack."

Charles reached forward and called up the inventory list for storage bay #6, pointing to item #37. The container held four cases of Rehydrated Desert Item #4302-C6 -- Twinkies.

The mood in the cabin lightened incredibly fast.

"For real?" Jim asked, a big smile spreading across his face.

Yeah, dude. I had them put in there. I knew you'd be a whiny little bitch if you didn't get your fix once in a while.

"Thank you, Chuck," he turned in the seat to look at the hatch down to the operations centre, "But the Captain's pissed at us again."

Charles shrugged as he turned his attention back to the nav plot, She's YOUR daughter, not mine. Deal.

Rachel's voice came over their headsets, "Are we clear of the system's gravity well, navigator?"

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