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Dinah's alarm blares loudly in the room as she does her best to ignore it. She misses three of her alarms and finally moves a muscle at the fourth alarm.

She's not used to this. She's not used to waking up early on her own, usually one of the girls would go through the dangerous process of trying to wake her and she was thankful for it. Even now as she gets ready for school, she can't help but think of what the other girls are doing and how they are holding up. She makes a mental note to Skype all of them later today and proceeds to make breakfast for herself.

Since she's not much of a cook, her breakfast is nothing special. She's prepared a bowl of museli with plain yogurt and a cup of coffee, it's not much but it's food nonetheless.

After getting ready and slipping on her sneakers and snapback, she takes her keys and backpack and heads out. The air is crisp and the streets are buzzing with people heading to work and school. Dinah takes a deep breath and blows into her hands in an attempt to warm them, she then puts on her headphones and opens one of her slaylists then walks into the direction of the university.

China's morning routine, however, goes slightly different from Dinah's. China has come back from her morning jog and is feeling ready to tackle the day. Since it's orientation day she doesn't bother being early.

She's at least an hour late but she isn't too stressed because she knows that she'll figure out whatever was said during the first session.

She can barely make out what people are saying about her as they see her walk past and stare. She just shrugs it off and continues wandering around campus, looking for the building where the next session will be held. China can tell that people are trying their best to give her some space but of course there are a few who just can't let the opportunity for a selfie pass by. The last person to get a selfie almost died from squealing so much and she just couldn't believe that she got a selfie from both Dinah and China.

China had completely forgotten that the tallest member from her favourite girl group was attending the same school as her. As if by pure coincidence, Dinah spotted China entering the lecture hall and waved at her to come sit next to her.

"Hey girl, wuss good? You look like you could use some more sleep," China greets the tall girl with a smile.

Dinah replies with a chuckle and in a small voice says, "I always look like I can't wait to go back to sleep again, you'll get used to it."

China laughs and takes a bite of her breakfast and lets out a small moan, "This makes me glad to be South African."

Dinah stared at what China was currently munching on but couldn't for the life of her figure out what it was. It looked like a donut but without a hole in the middle.

"Uhh, China, what are you eating?"

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"Uhh, China, what are you eating?"

"This, my little clueless Polynesian-American friend, is called a vetkoek. It's literally bread-dough deep fried and it is delicious!" China swooned and continued to eat. "Here, have a taste and tell me if your life has been changed."

Dinah slowly took the piece and contemplated eating it. It looked like a donut so she couldn't really understand what she was fussing about, maybe it was the prospect of trying new things. It's like it finally dawned on her that she is in a different country and it's up to her to discover the different things this country had to offer. Dinah finally put the piece in her mouth and chewed it carefully.

"So, what do you think? Amazing, right?" China beamed beside her staring at her expectantly.

"Well, I mean, it tastes like an unglazed donut but with more fat and crispiness. It's good but is it life-altering? Not that much." Dinah started to laugh when she realised the shocked expression on China's face.

"I am literally so hurt right now. You don't know a good thing when it's literally in your mouth, that's not a good trait. I mean I could literally imagine how your relationships are," China had a serious look on her face showing that she was in deep thought and none of them even cared to pay attention to the presentation regarding the school's library policy.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Forget it. Just forget that I said anything."

"Nope, no can do. Just tell me, I won't get mad," Dinah pouted and waited. She didn't exactly know what she was waiting for because China certainly did not look like she was going to start talking.

"Okay, what I meant was that regarding relationships what if you disregard a vetkoek type person because you think that they are an unglazed donut and go for the glazed donut only to find that it tastes less amazing than the vetkoek. Yeah well that's it."

"Woah," Dinah was gobsmacked. She couldn't believe it but China was psychoanalysing her using a piece of food! That was odd and easy to understand because food was Dinah's obsession.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, food makes me emotional," China said with pleading eyes.

"No, it's okay. I just, wow, I think I need to write that shit down so that next time I meet a vetkoek type person then I can do what's right," Dinah literally took out a pen and transcribed China's wise words onto her notebook.

"You're hilarious, Dinah Jane. We're going to be good friends but for now let's pay attention. I don't want all the harmonizers and Dinah girls coming at me if you fail."

"They are literally just teaching us how to use the library website. How can not paying attention make me fail?" Dinah started thinking about assignments and sources and references and suddenly it all made sense. The library website was her lifeline and she needed to pay attention. "Nevermind, I get it."

They turned around and started to pay attention to the presentation, for the most part. Dinah couldn't stop thinking about the vetkoek thing and if China was right.

Was she?

Do you want China to be with Pearl first or Dinah?

ALL 2 U (DINAH JANE) (LESBIAN STORIES) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now