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"You sure about this, China​?"

Dinah asked slowly and I nodded my head before swallowing loudly. I wanted this so much.


She gently removed my tank top and left small kisses on my collar bone. I let out stifled moans as I could feel my core getting wet.

"I want your fingers inside of me, Dinah Jane." I practically begged and the taller girl was more than happy to oblige.

I felt her cold fingers slowly make their way to the hem of my shorts. I was breathing heavily at this point and my skin had goosebumps forming. This girl is driving me crazy. Soon her fingers had carefully entered my panties and they touched my core.

"Now, Dinah Jane." and as soon as those words left my mouth, two of her fingers had entered me and she started pumping. I held on to her shoulders, my nails digging deep into her back.

"Oh yes." I cried out riding Dinah's fingers. They were so fabulously long and were hitting the right spot. I could feel my walls tightening and all my resolve disappearing.

"I want you to be a good girl and cum for me babygirl." She then added another finger and after a few more pumps, I let go of the feeling that was building up in my stomach. I held on to Dinah as I rode out my orgasm, screaming and digging into her back. I would feel sorry for her back if I wasn't having the best orgasm of my life.

"That was amazing," I managed to breathe out as moved strands of hair that were stuck to my sweaty forehead.

"We​ aren't done. I haven't tasted you yet."

"Well good morning star shine, the Earth says hello!"

It took a while for me to recollect myself and realise that I was inside Pearl's bedroom, on Pearl's bed, dreaming about someone else. What the actual fuck?!

"Oh good morning baby," I gave her a small peck on her cheek and stood up to go brush my teeth. I need a shower.

"Seems like you were having a very sexy dream. You were a moaning mess, it was hot to watch." Pearl said as she stood by the door of the bathroom.


Pearl moved to stand behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "There's nothing to be ashamed of sweetheart but now you've got me hot and bothered and I don't want to shower alone."

I didn't know what to do. She was such a good person and clearly in love with me. The fact that she was able to forgive me for kissing Dinah just proved how good of a person she is and if I were to tell her that I just had a sex dream about someone else, I would definitely lose her for good.

"Lead the way sweet cheeks," I said as I slapped her butt and watched her excitedly take off her clothes and enter the shower. I quickly joined and we had a long and hot shower.

I'm such a horrible person.


It has been a week since China left my apartment. We haven't spoken to each other even though we take the same classes and sit next to each other. I told the girls what happened and they all just advised me to back up and give her space.

That's what I have been trying to do and it hasn't been easy. The paps have been following her a lot recently and I sympathise with her since I know we both just want to lay low until we're done studying. But I'm guessing she forgot she's dating a presenter and just released a great film. Speaking of film, she's meant to come to my apartment today so that we can work on our film assignment.

Hey Nachi. I just wanted to confirm if you're still coming here so we can do the assignment ✨ It's totally fine if you're not up to it.

I cringed at how formal that text was but I sent it anyway. I needed to know if she would be here so that I can try to fix our severed friendship. I just want her to be a part of my life, I don't care as what.

Great Wall 💅🐼: Sup Deej. I'll be there at noon. I just need to run a few errands. See ya soon bb 🌸

Okay this gives me at least two hours to prepare. I should probably clean up my apartment because I haven't been able to in my state of mind.


"Hey Deej. Can I come in?" I heard China yell from the door as I was fluffing my last pillow.

"Of course. Make yourself comfortable by the desk that I have set up by the living room. I'll be there in a minute," I heard shuffling which I guess was here setting her laptop and books on the desk. I finished up making my bed and then fixed myself ​before walking out to meet her.

"Hi China."

"Hello Dina Jane," she said with a small smile on her face. She looked good today and I'm only realising now how hard it will be to keep my hands to myself.

"Uh I stocked up on some Vitamin Water because I know how much you like that juice wannabe ," I joked as I sat down next to her and opening my laptop

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"Uh I stocked up on some Vitamin Water because I know how much you like that juice wannabe ," I joked as I sat down next to her and opening my laptop. She just laughed and then continued to stare at me.

"Thanks Deej. It's not trying to be juice by the way but let's get started. I wanted us to look at the music video for That's My Girl since the elements of the action genre are easily identifiable," she explained as she scanned through screenshots of the music video. Damn. Her side profile is amazing, how is she even real?

"Wow, a video I was a part of. I'm flattered. Since the video was inspired by Mad Max: Fury Road we can show the similarities and then point out the elements of the action genre used throughout the video. How about that?"

"Sounds good DJ," we continued to do our work only stopping to pee and get a snack. After three hours we were done with the assignment and I was proud of the end product.

"El fin. We're finally done and we make a good team, China. But if I hear That's My Girl again, I'm going to spontaneously combust," I made gagging noises and China couldn't stop laughing. She sounded really adorable and it was getting harder to control myself.

"I missed you, Dinah Jane. I'm sorry for avoiding you all week."

"It's okay. You were going through some things and everyone is allowed the freedom to sort through their issues without feeling. I'm just sorry I was a part of the burden," I took China's left hand and started rubbing it with my thumb.

"You are wise beyond your years Dinah Jane Hansen and you are anything but a burden to me. Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead," China seemed to be holding back tears and she was scaring me. What could she possibly want to say that is so bad?

"I think, I think I'm falling in love with you."


I would appreciate suggestions on what you want to see happen in this story :)

ALL 2 U (DINAH JANE) (LESBIAN STORIES) [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now