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yes, this is an update. your eyes aren't playing wit ya.


The sun's beams peaked through Dinah's apartment ricocheting from the grey and red walls to form a warm hue in the room. On the bed, however, lay two figures sprawled on top of the sheets. Legs intertwined, fingers laced and their hair mixing on the pillow creating an abstract art piece of gold and caramel locks.

China, being the morning person she is, woke up first and to say she was confused would be an understatement. It doesn't take long for the girl to notice the pain coming from her head and for all the memories from the previous night to fill her thoughts.

"Deej, wake up," she tries shaking the Polynesian out of her slumber but it's futile. It's almost as if she's to wake up a log.

Finally seeing that there's no way to wake Dinah, she retreats to the bathroom to get ready for the day. There's a lot of shit that needs to be solved today.

Since she hadn't brought an overnight bag, Dinah's clothes would have to do. After rummaging through Dinah's closet for a good 15mins, China finds a suitable outfit for her to wear.

The pants felt very comfortable and there was no way Dinah would be getting them back.

After getting ready and drinking an aspirin to calm down her headache, she decided to go make breakfast and hopefully by then Dinah would be awake.

Just as predicted, Dinah comes sauntering into the kitchen with the messiest bed hair but still managing to look cute. She makes her way to the island and takes a seat while China plates chocolate chip pancakes for them both.

"Morning Deej, would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please and make it strong," the older girl mumbles before yawning and stretching her arms to emphasise her exhaustion.

"Rough night?" China chuckles while turning towards the coffee machine.

"You could say that," Dinah replied before stabbing a pancake and bringing the bite to her mouth to savour.

"We need to talk about what happened last night." Dinah sighs but continues to take a few more bites of her pancakes then brings the cup of coffee towards her lips before replying.

"Yeah but only after I've taken a shower and don't think I haven't noticed you wearing my clothes Nachi."

China lets out a laugh. "These pants are so comfortable Deej, you ain't getting them back."

Dinah just laughs it off and the two girls fall into a comfortable banter about school and China's new film.


"Deej you can't keep postponing this conversation. We're having it now!" China breathed out trying to calm her frustration. She couldn't understand why Dinah wanted to act like yesterday never happened.

"But like I want to finish this season of Wentworth so I can move on to the next one, Nachiii" Dinah whined before pausing the TV and turning to face the petite girl next to her. "Okay there. Let's talk."

"I don't get it Dinah, why don't you want to talk about this?"

"Because," she took a deep breath to calm herself down before continuing. "Because I know that I'm going to get my heart broken. I know that there's no way you're going to leave Pearl for me. I know that last night was nothing but a distraction for you, China."

To say that China was shocked would be a huge understatement. How the hell did Dinah come up with those assumptions? The fact that Dinah had jumped to those conclusions angered the actress.

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