My Babies

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"Ms. Reed, Michael won't give it back," the cute little freckled faced girl whined. I turned on my heels and walked towards them. My peach pencil skirt and white blouse wasn't helping my authoritative facade. I squatted down to be eyes to eye with the four year old. "Michael, give it back. This is the second time I've told you to give Cynthia the truck. If I have to do it again, you're going in time out," I said in a slightly stern tone. "But Ms. Weed, she's a girl. And my dad says girl don't pway wif trucks," he protested. "Well your dad is wrong. I have a truck and I drive it everyday," I said proudly. His big brown eyes widened. "You have a truck! Is it huge? What color is it," he asked excitedly. " My face softened. "It's a black jeep," I giggled. His messy black hair bounced as he jumped up and down. "I love the color black. See look at my shoes." The black, red, and white Spider-Man shoes lit up as he jumped. "And what nice shoes they are. But you have to apologize to Cynthia  and give her back the truck." He turned around, apologized, and handed her the truck. Cynthia began to walk away, then stopped. "Do you want to pway wif me," she asked in the sweetest way. Michael's face lit up and they both ran to the play area in the room.

A small smile spread across my face as I walked to my desk. Leaning against it, I kept a watchful eye on my class. Some colored at the work tables in the far left, while others played with toys to the far right. This is only my second week at Ms. Sunny's Head Start and I love it. The children keeps me on my toes all the time, and I need a little excitement in my life. So, why not.

There was a small knock on the door. I turned to see that we had a visitor from next door. Mrs. Jenkins was a small little white lady with dirty blonde hair. Her floral print dress hugged her very well for her to be sixty- four. But then again, Ms. Jenkins didn't look like she was sixty- four to begin with.

I lifted myself and met her half way. "Sooooo, how are you feeling about it so far," she asked. " I like it. They are a handful at times and micromanaging everything is tiresome, but I I really like it." " I knew you would," she said with a smile. "So, there's a new student coming in tomorrow and he's assigned to your class. He and his uncle just came back in town and I must say, he's quite a handful." I crossed my arms over my chest with a skeptical look. "Was he assigned to me from the start, or you pleased to have him switched to my class," I asked. "Well, I may have kind of suggested that you'd be a better fit for him," she said twiddling her thumbs. "Oh really, now." "Yes, and they agreed with me because you're nicer, sweeter, younger-." "Okay, I won't disown you for pushing him on me but I do have a favor to ask," I caved. "Anything dear. What can I help you with." "I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow during nap time. Could you watch over my class while I'm there? It shouldn't take that long and I should be back before nap time is over. After lunch, I can lay them down and make sure they're asleep, but after that I have to leave." I gave her the sad puppy eyes. "Yes deary, I'd be more than happy to. I know you've been waiting a long time for this." I was filled with excitement. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said happily. "Oh no, thank you," she said and gave me a hug only a grandmother could give. I missed my nana.

As Mrs. Jenkins left the room, I turned my attention back to the class, " Okay everyone, clean up. It's almost time for lunch." A large sigh spread across the room. "So you all don't want to eat?" Twenty- two no's came at me at once. "We don't want to clean up," said Eric. "Well get to cleaning," I said. They muttered "yes ma'am," and started to clean.

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