chapter five

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↣chapter five; p.o.v of charlotte (jocelyn engniveled above) 

3:15 p.m

I got out of my car, locked it, and walked right around. Surprisingly, Gareth, and Aaron pulled right in as well. 

"Hey." Aaron greeted happily.

"Hello." I smiled.

"This here is-"

"We met already." Gareth stated.

"During the shoot?" 

"No, afterwards. When she screamed at me."

Great. They both were probably thinking, that I'm some hostile, crazy girl, that fakes being shy and anti-social.  

"For what?" Aaron asked, as if he had already knew.

"Driving too slow." Gareth said shamelessly.

"I knew it!-"

"Hey-I'm not always like that. I am a pretty good driver, if I do say so myself."

I guess...maybe not?

"Jeez Gareth. We've talked about this before." Aaron said, lowering his voice, and getting more serious.

"I know."

"So when will the guys, and me see a change in you?" 

"It's a lot deeper, than just what you all think."

I stepped a little off to the side, sensing that the conversation had become more deeper, and personal. Regardless of how far I stepped away, I could clearly hear what they were saying. Now that I thought of it, stepping away was a little redundant.

"Is it now?" Aaron said in a sarcastic way, "Are you forgetting something?-"

"No-I'm not forgetting anything." I sensed Gareth getting annoyed, and aggravated.

"Get yourself together man."

"All of you, should just lay off-and get out of my business." Gareth stormed off.

"We would if you hadn't of made our business!" Aaron called out.

Aaron looked at me, with an apologetic facial expression.

"Well, that escalated quickly." I smiled lightly. 

He laughed, "Sure did. Hey, you've got some humor in you."

"I said I was shy, not boring. I guess, I get more interesting the more you talk to me."

"I'd presume." 

"Oh-since I didn't tell you this before, one of my best friends wanted me to say hi, and that she thinks your cute." 

"Well, I hope she comes by then." he smiled, and walked off.

3:25 p.m  

This time, I was going to be starting my singular photo shoot, then I would move on to shoots with Aaron, then I'd be done for the day. Tomorrow it would repeat, except I'd have shoots with Gareth, while Aaron had a singular one. 

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