Will the haters forgive her now

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All you guys who are mad at Aph because she didn't make your ship happen in mcd watch this.

Now will you guys put away your petty fighting and arguments and hateful comments and forgive? Pls?Jess really cares and wanted to you to know just accept it cause to be real I'm a garmau fan but i didn't mind aarmau it's cute , i may not get my ship but i don't go bullshit crazy cuss Jess out and diss her or her husband or children. I am sick of it and so is most people out there JUST GET OVER IT GEEZ I DID THAN SO CAN YOU. But if you still hate Jess and pissed off at her after this then nine I have words for you

FUCK YOU cause I'm not as forgiving as Jess.


Oh also for others a zanvis chapter is coming soon!

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