Forever & Always

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There is the curse one.

Lavender Della-Cruz stared into the mirror, while the world around was in high-speed around her.

She stared her long, and elagent Cyan mermaid dress. Her flaxen hair was pulled back in hair with bobby-pins and styled with purple flowers. Her face along with her body was glittered with sliver body glitter. The only difference was her sliver masquerade mask.

She didn't looked cursed. She told herself. She looked like everyone else. Normal. She smiled into the mirror.

Looks can be deceiving though. Her subconscious reminded her. She could feel her smile dissolving from the surface. Lavender look down at her wrists. As always there was mark. From far away, it would look like a gold bracelets. From up close you could tell they were a gold bands made of thorns.

"You look beautiful". Her best friend, Rosetta Kendell appeared in the mirror. She was dressed in a midnight blue dress with matching blue high heels. Her dark hair was pulled into a bun with the same flowers in her hair. She looked beautiful and any man would fall for her. Lavender wished that she was getting married to powerful, young soul healer, it would be easier that way, but unfair to her.

Rosetta gently clutched her shoulders, bringing a chill down Lavender's spine.

"Thanks, Rose".

Lavender felt heat rising to her checks.

It's a compliment- chill.

"It's a full house and I believe the men are ready." Rosetta said, patting her shoulder. Deep breath. Deep Breath.

"Lava, it will be ok. Don't be so tense." She said, tapping on her shoulders. Lavender released her shoulders that she didn't know she tightened.

"Hello Ladies," A familiar male voice said. Lavender turned to face an older man in his late 60s. Today he was dressed in a midnight shirt and black slacks and jacket. He slowly made his way to her. Ellis Della-Cruz.

"Lava," He kissed her on the check and gave her a hug.

"Daddy". She feel her smile erupting from her checks. She could feel her tears forming-

"Alright, Ladies, Rosetta shouted to the rest of the wedding part. Let's get out there". Over her father's shoulder, she gave Rosetta a look of gratitude. Rosetta winked and shut the door behind her. Her father released her from his embrace and left up his hand and spun her in a circle.

"You look so much like your mother". He said, bring her around for another spin. She giggled but felt him stop her in mid spin.

This is the last time, for father-daughter dances.

She thought sadly.
She was against him, his warm grizzy arms were around leading her in slow dance, this arms use to hold her after terrifying nightmares that would bring her to tears, but her father would always be there to rock her to sleep. She wished she could live here with her family forever. Looking up, she could see the mirror again. Its invisible eyes judging her from where she stood, judging her for not wanting her to leave her family.

Wasn't it worth it, though if it saves her.

"Speaking of your mother, her father announced to the silence, we wanted to give you something".

Lavender took a deep breath. The giving Ceremony, before it all gift were forbidden.

"Daddy, you know though that-".

"Yes, I know the Giving Ceremony, He interrupted. Your mother and I though wanted you to have an heirloom." Instantly she felt the cold chain against her neck, she looked down to see the most beautiful necklace. It was purple crescent moon. It was bejeweled with Azul and diamond gems lining the moon. She pressed it to her chest. She knew exactly whose heirloom this was. Lavender felt her tears again, soaking and staining her cheeks.

"Daddy, it's wonderful. She looked up at her father. His eyes watched her intently. I though it was Great Grandma Lucinda's? I thought she died with this on?" Her father kissed her hand and released her.

"We had planned to bury her with it. That was until we were read her will and she left it to her only granddaughter, so now whether you and James go adventure to different islands or countries, you will always have your family with you."

That was when they heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in". Ellis Della-Cruz instrusted towards the door.

Instantly the door opened to familiar male with the same flaxen hair. Gabriel Della-Cruz

"Hey, sis are you ready to go?" Today, he was dressed in same as her father besides a solid grey tie around his neck. Her father to her and gripped her right hand.

She nodded to her brother. He instantly open the doors, placing door stoppers underneath them then joined her on the left side, and lead her on to beach.
Stepping through the door, Lavender heard her island's traditional wedding song, the beach sound was alive with drums, and horns. Their noise taking over the sound that ocean would normally consume. Lavender walked out on to the beach, the day would have been a sauna, if the meriful wind had not arrived before hand. She never thought this day would happen, especially so early in her life but now holding her brother and her father's hand, she could feel the wave of reality soaking her in what to come.

From where she stood, she could see the crowd that packed the rows. I hope we walk quickly.

Come to see the cursed one in action, her insecurity hissed to her. She quickly brushed away the thought and looked ahead to her husband -to-be. James Edward Blackwood. Since she was a kid she had befriended the young soul healer. A Soul healer was able to change and heal the hearts of the terrible souls of this world. This was a rare gift in its self and marrying the soul healer, could cure everything. Or that's what her parents thought.

Bring her to the center of the room, Gabriel brought her hand into James'. Her father gently grabbed onto her elbow, bring her hand out. Gabriel grabbed a goblet from the table behind them and placed a goblet in her hand. Giving her away, her father kissed her check. Gabriel squeezed her gently on the shoulder and then went back to their seats next her mother.

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