Ch. 2 The start of something awful

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You loved editing and working for Alex. He could be frustrating and picky, but it was worth it to practice your editing skills. Not to metion you loved working with Brain, Jay, Tim, and especially Seth the camera man. You felt bad when you saw Alex bossing him around, plus he praticly took you under his wing and taught you alot about cameras. But he was like a older brother to you, for you always felt your heart pound and breath catch when you walked by Tim. You never knew why, but he just had something about him that you adored. Maybe it was his more mysterious side.
"Hey [y/n], are you there." Alex said annoyed. "Did you even hear me?" You did it again! You mentally facepalmed. You kept zoning out during recording and it's not like you meant to, but it was just really boring. Of coarse you didn't tell Alex this. You wanted every chance you could get to be around Tim.
"Hey quit zoning out! I said if you're just going to stand there make your self usefull and go get the extra tapes from my car!" He snapped.
"Oh! I'm sorry. Ye-ah I'll g-go get them." You quickly stuttered.
"Hey Alex!" Tim called "You shouldn't be so rude to her!" You gave Tim a grateful smile, whilest Alex gave him a glare and tossed you the keys. You turned and ran up the trail to Alex's car. You quickly opened the trunk and pulled out the bag of empty tapes. You remembered the day he showed you his oddly huge collection of tapes. He had enough to film about five movies!
As you ran back with the bags you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. It was either the creepy forest setting or the footsteps behind you. Wait footsteps!?
Quickly you turned and saw nothing but the dirt trails and trees. Picking up the pace you ran even faster back to where Alex was filming.
You arrived back despratly trying to catch your breath. Alex stormed over to you.
"What do you think you are doing?!" He yelled. "I was getting you the tapes." You breathed and handed him the plastic bag.
"No not that! You ran into the set area so loud I bet the camera picked up you running a mile away!" He growled at you
"Alex calm down, I didn't run into the shot and I can edit the audio." You retorted "and besides I bet you would be running too if you heard someone following you!"
"Wait, someone was following you?" Tim questioned "yeah I heard footsteps running behind me, so I ran." You explained awkwardly. Suddenly you heard them again. You pointed to the trail and exclaimed "See someone was running after me!" Everyone waited in tense silence for this person to get to the end of the trail. Tim pushed you behind him, just in case this person or thing was armed. You expected someone creepy or maybe a dog to appear from the trail, but it was only Brian.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late. I blame the traffic." He glanced over to you "Geez [y/n], you look pale. Like someone nearly scared you out of your skin!" You breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, you did." Tim explained.
"Wow, sorry [y/n]. I saw you at Alex's car so I ran to catch up, but man you're are fast and then I lost you." Brain explained. You felt relived.
"Well what are you all standing around for?"Alex snapped "we have alot to record and I would like to finish today!" Everyone went back to their places, you stood silently by Seth and watched him work. The secene replayed in your mind again and again. Where Tim pushed you behind him to protect you from whatever it was racing down the trail.
"Here take these and edit the audio, improve the picture, put them together on this tape and edit out any background noise." He said the last part with a glare, you knew almost instantly he was talking about when you ran down the trail. You have him a curt nod. "Sure, no problem." Your replied. "It better not be a problem, otheerwise what am I paying you for?!" He snapped causing you to wince at his sharp tone. Alex turned and walked up the trail, followed by Seth.
You jumped suddenly, feeling a hand on your shoulder. Turning you saw Tim. "Hey, don't let his attitude get to you." You smiled "Thanks." He smiled back, you felt your face become dusted with a light blush. He turned and walked up the trail that Alex and Seth walked momments before. You silently stated after him. You wanted to call after him and convince him to stay just a little bit longer.
"Wow you really do have a thing for him." You turned to Brian.
"Oh, I thought you left with the others." You said awkwardly. "Nope, I wanted to stick by and see how that scene would play out." He put his hands into his pockets and gave you a signature smirk. "I bet he's going to catch on." Surprise filled your thoughts. Did you really make it that obvious? But before you could reply Brian contuined "especially with some outside help." Your eyes widened "Are you going to tell him?" You questioned "Maybe. He is my best friend after all." He smirked and walked up the trail with you awkwardly following.
Ok next chapter done! This one was kinda weird to write because I couldn't figure out what to do. Just mega writers block. But anyways I'll try to update soon!.

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