Ch.4 Sticking Together

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Tim awoke, startled, and grabbed his head, which was pounding with a major headache. He looked around. He recognized where he was, but how did he get here? With a simple glance around he quickly found his answer. Sitting patently on the floor next to him was a white mask painted with black markings. 'That damn mask.'  He kicked it away from him. What was he doing here? Suddenly his memory came flooding back. Alex had happen. He wanted Tim to show him abandoned locations and then Alex pulled a knife on him and attacked him. The shock or the a pipe to the head Alex used when Tim was fighting back cased him the black out. He peaked his head out into the hallway, but quickly retreated when he heard voices down the hallway. He hid in the corner and watched as Alex and [y/n] quickly walked by. 'Oh no' Tim thought with dismay. 'He might attack her too' Tim glanced around for a weapon and saw the large metal pipe laying on the ground. He picked it up and began to run out, when he paused. [Y/n] would question why he was here, but she wouldn't dare question a stranger in a mask. She would probably just run away. He grabbed the mask and winced slightly. This cursed item only brought painful memories of waking up in unknown locations, but maybe it could bring at least one good moment. Of him saving the one he adored.

 He heard Alex  shout and [Y/n] yell back "This is for your own good! You saw the tapes! You saw him! " Tim had to hurry, Alex was about to strike. He gripped the pipe in his hand and attempted to run forward. It was more of a fast limp due to the painful wound on his leg. He was now a few feet behind Alex who was blocking the doorway and [Y/n]'s escape. The look he saw in her eyes when she saw him was painful. Fear. The fear could of been because of Alex, but in the moment he wasn't sure. She probably thought she was going to die either from Alex or a crazed man with a mask and metal pipe. 

He couldn't stall any longer.  Lifting the pipe high above his head, he brought it down with a great force. It struck Alex directly on the back of the head, rendering Alex unconscious. Tim looked up and made eye contact with [Y/n], fear and worry reflected in her eyes. He took a step forward and gasped. In the heat of the moment he had forgotten about his leg. Now, it was on fire. [Y/n] noticed the wound and took a step toward him 'She might remove my mask and find out it's me!'  He growled at the thought. Wait, he paused,  did he just growl? Oh god this mask really was changing him. 

"Please." [Y/n] spoke softly "I have a first aid kit, let me help you." She quietly added on "Since you helped me..." He nodded. If she was going to remove the mask she would have tried already, plus he can't run in this state. Tim decided to just take her generosity and run, it would give her a small lesson on how you cannot trust strangers . He laid down so she could look at the wound better. No point on not taking help when offered. He sighed and closed his eyes as she was cleaning it. 

"It looks pretty bad, who did this to you?" [Y/n] asked. He opened his mouth ready to reply with 'Alex', but he quickly remembered that she would recognize his voice. He lifted his arm up and pointed to the unconscious man about three meters away. "Alex? Can't say I'm surprised." There was a slight about of anger in her voice. "Why did he attack you? Why did he attack me?" She asked. Unable to reply he just shrugged.  

[Y/n] gave a slight huff. "If you want to talk you can. I know you're trying to hide your identity, but still..." She trailed off as if unsure what to say.  He did the only thing he could and shrugged. He immediately noticed how much better his leg felt when [Y/n] had finished. 'She's been quiet for a while.'   He glanced her way and noticed that she was staring at him, eyes squinted slightly. Suspicious.  Did she recognize him? Well she was about to, because right as Tim came back to reality after zoning out the mask was now in her hands. 

"T-tim?" She gasped "What are you doing here?" He tried to reply but he was quickly cut off "Never mind, I'm just glad you were here." She stood and brought him into a quick embrace. He let out a sigh of relief, he was worried she would be furious with him. 

He stood up and held out his hand for her, which she happily took. He turned to lead her out of this hellish place but [y/n] let go of his hand. Tim watched as she walked over to Alex and gave him a sharp kick to the side while muttering a not so kind insult causing Tim to girn. She turned back and noticed his grin. "What's so funny?" [Y/n] questioned  "Nothing," Tim replied "Come on, lets go"

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