Ch.3 Realisation

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*Several weeks later, near the end of filming* You and Alex walked a dusty back road. He had asked you about abandon buildings in this area.
"Shouldn't we wait for Seth?" To questioned
"No, Seth said he wasn't feeling good so he stayed home." He quickly replied. "Oh...ok." you replied sadly
"Anyways how far is this building." He question
"Oh it's just a few miles up the road." You replied, while attempting to keep your balance walking on some near by railroad tracks.
The rest of the walk was in awkward silence until you both approached the building.
"Is this it?" Alex questioned
"Yup!" You said happily "The first floor is covered in graffiti, but the second floor has next to none." You contiued. You both walked around the building, but it felt more like he was leading you. Like he knew where he was going. But you didn't want to be on his bad side anymore than you were, a you didn't say anything.
He stopped in front of one windowless room. You've been here before, but you never dared to go in because of how creepy this room was. He turned to you. "Do you have a flashlight?" You did, but you didn't want to admit it. Anything to stay out of that room.
"Well, I don't think so, but we can't record in there anyways so I don't see a reason to go in there."
He frowned at your statment.
"Fine, I'll go without you." He turned and began to walk in.
"Wait Alex! I'll go in, I don't want to be alone out here." Though you couldn't see it, a devious smile came across his face. He stepped out of the door way and gestured for you to go first. You nodded begrudgingly.
You walked into the room first, but paused when you didn't hear Alex behind you. You turned and gasped. From the light in the hallway you couldn't see Alex well, but we'll enough that you saw he had a large blade in his hand. "A-Alex...What are you d-doing!" You stared at him horrified
"This is for your own good." He growled "You looked at the tapes, you saw him. " him? Who's him? "Alex stop! This is mad!" You shouted at him.
"No! You don't understand [y/n]! If you did, you would know why I'm doing this!" He shouted back. You felt tears begin to fall down your cheek. You knew Alex could be frustrating sometimes, but this?
Suddenly you caught sight of a man behind Alex. The strange man was holding a large medal pipe and wore a white mask with black painted over his lips, around his eyes and made two arching eyebrows above. You felt like you were frozen to the spot. The masked man swung the metal pipe down hard hitting Alex on the back of the head causing him to blackout and fell to the ground. The masked man looked down on him, then up to you. Was he going to attack you too? But instead of charging forward at you, he grunted and put his hand over a knife wound on his leg. It wasn't bleeding, but it still looked fresh, as if it happened the day before. You took a step forward, he growled and took a step back. He saved you the least you could do was help him. "Please." You started off quietly "I have a first aid kit. Let me help you." He paused, clearly considering your offer. He nodded and then laid down, trying to relax. The gesture made you smile. It reminded you of Tim. He would of done the exact same thing of he were here. You sighed happily at the thought and pulled out your first aid kit. Cautiously you took out your first aid kit and examined the wound.
"It looks pretty bad, who did this to you?" You questioned. The mask'ed man pointed to Alex. "Alex? I can't say I'm surprised. Why did he attack me? Why did he attack you?"
The mask'ed man only shrugged.
"You can talk if you want too. I know your just trying to hide your identity but still..." you trailed off and the mask'ed man only shrugged showing he understood.
When you finished dressing the wound he sat up and gazed at you. When you caught his eyes he simply looked away. You examined his hair, dark brown and soft, like Tim's. His tan jacket, it looked like Tim's. What it Alex attacked Tim too? You felt your eyes tearing up.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped their way around you. You quickly hugged back. You both sat there for what felt like years, til you both pulled away. You stared at each other for a few seconds, then cautiously to reached forward and gently pulled off his mask. He didn't try to stop you. Your [e/c] (eye color) eyes met deep brown ones. You knew in an instant who it was
I know masky is acting out of charater. Don't worry there is a huge reason for this and you'll see next chapter. ^-^ Thank you !

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