Nominated by ragingotaku2001
and technically EdithFabulousQueen
Maybe? Stop being so vague about it goddamnit xD.
Thanks... I think :D.
1. Do you like anyone?
Yep. That's all I'm gonna say.
2. Do they like you?
I honestly don't know... unrequited love sucks, innit?
3. What's your middle name?
4. Single or Taken?
Single. Unfortunately, I think.
5. Last person I messaged?
Like every damn day xD.
6. Last song you listened to?
The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel
7. Battery Percentage?
100%. Been charging my phone for the past hour ;).
8. Best girl friends:
on Wattpad. If we're talking about IRL friends, the list elongates quite a bit. I won't go into detail ._.
9. Best guy friends:
There's probably a few more on Wattpad that I've missed. And if I have, I'm sorry (don't hurt me :( )
Anyone mentioned above is tagged (if you haven't been already.)