Kicks and Punches

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the pic is of Lee's third brother, check the last part of chapter, where he enters....ENJOY GUYS!



I was fighting to orange elephants in ninja costume, when one of them began to shake violently.

“Huh? What the hell are you doing?” I yelled at him/her. “You should be fighting me!”

He didn’t respond, and continued to shake, even more vigorously; until I woke up. Everyone was still asleep on the floor, except Arbaaz. I felt something vibrate in my pocket. My orange elephant was in my pocket? Oh, come on!

My phone…that’s what was vibrating! It was on silent mode, I remembered now. I checked the blackberry and a smile broke across my face as I saw Selena’s name and pic on the screen.

*phone convo*

“ALISHA!!! Why in the world wouldn’t you call us after what happened?”

She was angry, extremely angry. Thankfully she was on the other side of the world. I just shuddered at the thought of her being in the same room, annoyed at me.

“You were asleep, then”

I replied, trying my best to hide the terror. I braced myself for the yelling and shouting, but she just sighed.

“Liz, you were hurt, and you thought you couldn’t wake me up? Wake us up?”

I didn’t reply; I didn’t know what to say. I knew where she was coming from.

“Do you have any idea how it is like being woken up by Hailie and Malia panicking? And then going online and seeing all that photographs and articles? Some said you were in an emergency, some said you were shot, the pictures, all the blood…” she gulped. I could tell she was trying hard not to cry.

“I’m sorry Selena. I should have known how worried you guys would be. It just didn’t hit me coz of all that happened today. It’s really bad here, Sel. Everyone is so tensed, we have guards all around, there are atleast hundreds of people outside our house right now. But I’m not gonna make excuses. I was wrong, and I’m sorry.” I completed my speech, taken aback by the outburst of my feelings myself.

“It’s K. do you want to talk, or sometime else?”

“You know me soo well. Sometime else, please? I’ll fill you up, but not now. I don’t feel like repeated all of it all over again, right now.”

“Fine by me. And hey, you’re on speaker now. Hailie and Malia are here.”

“Liz you kay?”, “I was so worried!! Don’t you dare do that again!”, “You’ve heard about cell phones right?”, “I love you…are you out of the hospital?”, “any hot guys? Like hot doc?” were they questions I was bombarded with. And the last one totally got me cracked up. After we were giggling, I finally replied… “An imaginary date”

“What, when, where? Wait…imaginary?”  Malia blabbered.

And I filled them in on the little prank I played on my brothers. We all were laughing hysterically, for a good 10-15 minutes.

“Dude, I would kill to see their faces!” Hailie said.

“You can try that on your dad!” I replied. Her dad was over protective too. The world knows him as Eminem/Slim Shady, we know him as Marshall or Mars. Yea, we call him Mars…weird much?  Well, that’s the way we roll! Besides, he had nicknames for us, too. He adores us because we were always besides Hailie during the bad times.

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