Mumbai...I'm back!!

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I was hit but humidity as soon as I stepped off the jet. I smiled wide, knowing that I was going to see my family again! At my own house. Ok, I did have a house in Beverly Hills too, but this was the same house we shifted to after moving out. Sure, it was expanded now and stuff, but I had bitter sweet memories attached to it.

As soon as I reached the arrival terminal after immigration, I saw what? My family first? Nope. Paparazzi. This could not be good. As soon as they spotted me, I heard my name being called and flashes that almost got me blind. Thankfully I had my shades on but it still wasn’t fun to be surrounded and attacked by a bunch of strangers shoving a camera into my face. Not cool.

After what seemed like eternity, airport police and our personal security managed to make some way out for me and I was literally shoved into an Audi. Even then, the people were hounding at the windows and blocking the car’s way. I just kept my head low, till we got to the freeway, or what they call a highway in India.

I looked outside again, only to see traffic and people around. No cameras, no flashes. I let out a sigh in relief, which earned me a chuckle by...wait! By whom? I turned to see Salman, my brother, sitting next to me.

“When did you get in here?” I asked raising my brows at him. And Salman, Cassi (his manager) and Sean (bodyguard) burst into laughter. I just stared at them, waiting for their laughter session to finish. It took a long time, believe me. Then Cassi decided to answer me.

“We were always here. The airport security ordered us to stay in the vehicle because the crowd that had gathered around was huge. If Salman would have shown up, there were serious chances of a stampede. So we go you in.”

“Oh. That’s the reason for the crowd” I replied. I was used to my eldest brother attracting some major attention wherever he went. It was pure torture travelling with him.

“I’m back!” I squealed after a few minutes, earning some amused looks.

“Happy realization lil sis” he smirked at me. And the next moment I was hug tackling him, and then he was squeezing my brains out.

“No air” I managed and he let go of me. I love his bear hugs and stuff but they can get pretty uncomfortable sometimes.

Later that night, we people went out for dinner. But Malaika’s plans failed epically when we choose a normal place over something 5 or 7 star. Don’t look at me like I was a fool! I missed the local cuisine, and there is no place that can offer you better Mumbai stuff that a shack! A well built, clean shack that is.

I stepped into my room later that night for the first time, followed my 3 brothers. And to my horror, it was all PINK. I just stared at it for seconds, and then slowly walked around. I can’t deny it, it was kinda cool. Special lights, with cool interior. I loved the huge bed and the bathroom. It was all chic, and the interior rocked. But the only problem was freaking PINK!

When you grow up with boys and gymnastics, you turn into a tomboy. I could be a girly girl, but I definitely did not get all princess types who cannot do without pink. For me it’s just a color. But then, looking at the grins on my brother’s faces, I lied that it was so cool and I loved it. I thanked them- this one I meant. They actually took the pains to redecorate the room. It touched my heart, and who knows? I might actually love the room later on?

After some more chatting with family and friends (theirs) I went off to sleep. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. Or I could maybe. I needed to get this jet lag thing off!

*next morning*

Salman’s POV

 I woke up early that morning for an emergency meeting for a movie. Turns out the producers decided to cut off the funds. Just what we needed. In the end though, he agreed to invest more, coz he knew that me+movie=hit. Not trying to brag, that is how he put it forward!

After some workout and one small radio interview, I decided to wake Liz up. It was almost 10. I went into her room, buckled up for all the protests and groans I’d have to go through. Both of us are not morning people. That’s why my shoots start only after 11 am in the morning.

“Wake up girl” I said looking at the bundle under the covers. So small, fragile…

“Stop!” she yelled into the pillow and dug deeper into the bed.

“Up or I will leave for the shoot without you and you won’t be able to meet Bebo. You want to see her don’t you?” I knew this would wake her up. She sprang up, looked at me and frowned.

“Blackmailer” she remarked as she got up. I decided to play along.

“You said what?” I asked, acting angry. She just simply shrugged “you heard me” rubbing her eyes she said “why do I think that this is...ahhh” she cried as I flung her over my shoulder and walked out.

“Put me down!” she yelled, hitting me with her little hands and legs. “Down!” I just walked around, with everyone staring at me. “Fine, what do you want?” she gave in.

“Ha! Nothing, just say it!” I smirked.


“Kay then.” And I went up the stairs like nothing was wrong.



“Ugh! Fine, you win. Here- I have the bestestest elder brother in the world. So charming and awesome. Down, now!” she spat the last part. It was something I made her do just for fun. Her reactions were hilarious. Only she thought it was ridiculous. Whatever!

Then we quickly got ready and me and Liz went to the shoot location. Bebo (my co-star who happens to adore my sis and vice versa) chatted for ours. The day was pretty normal, except the fact that my baby sis, my life was back.


so far so not good. i'm gonna try and add some more drama, but that will take a little time. till then plz COMMENT VOTE AND FAN 

thanx!! i love u! <3 :) 

ohh.....i will fill it with drama.....i have the full plot set in my mind!

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