An early night

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While we waited for our tea to be delivered, I sat in the living room next to Declan who was watching the football and drinking a beer. He kept giving me dirty looks and texting really fast on his phone. I was browsing Facebook when I get a text off
Lee to nova: hey babe hope you've have a good weekend.
Nova to lee: yeah it's been good thanks, was out with Geraldine last night
Lee to nova: nice! Hungover today?
Nova to lee: was really sick earlier but better now just waiting on tea getting here
Lee to nova: me too and I'm watching football
Nova to lee: I'm watching football too, well sort of, Declan's watching football I just happen to be in the same room
Lee to nova: tell him I say hi
Nova to lee: I don't think that's a good idea :(
Lee to nova: why not?
Nova to lee: he doesn't really like me speaking to you... Or any other boy for that matter
Lee to nova: oh :(
Before I got a chance to reply, T shouted to us that the food was here. We filled our plates and sat down and made small chit chat. Thomas wasn't happy that Declan was still ignoring me and warned him to be nice. Declan turned and gave me a half hearted fake smile and I returned it. As much as I was enjoying not having to listen to Declan moan at me, truthfully I was starting to miss our personal jokes and us poking fun at each other. T went to get them both another beer and I used that time to ask Declan what he got up to last night. He answered, bluntly.. But it was a start. I chanced my luck and thought I'd ask for a beer.
"I already said no the last time Nova, no means no" Thomas states
"Pleeeeeeease" I beg
"No!" This time Thomas was snappy
I forgot he was still a bit hungover from last night.
"I'll tell Lexi you've been mean to me today and she'll not be happy with you" I grin, knowing it was a cheeky move.
"You do that. But don't forget it's me looking after you till mum and dad get back and I might just decide that your not getting out with your friends until they do". Thomas looked at me with his eyes glaring like he could see right out the back of my head and through the wall.
"It was a joke T..." I looked at the ground.
"I know it was. But mine wasn't. So go get ready for bed and get your homework done, your having an early night".
I stomped upstairs in a bit of a huff. I got half way up when I realised I left my phone on the coffee table. Just as I got to it Declan grabbed it out my hand.
"GIVE ME IT BACK" I yell right in Declan's face
"What are you hiding?" He hisses back at me
"Nothing!" I snap at him.
Thomas gets involved "Give her it back Declan, right now!!!!"
Declan lets go of my phone and I stumble a little before turning round and running straight up the stairs and to my room.
I can't believe I had tried to mend things with him before we ate dinner, what a mistake that was.
I got English and maths homework done before taking a shower and getting into bed to watch some videos on YouTube before I fell asleep.
I heard Thomas shuffling about outside my room before he came in and I decided to give him a smile.
"Sorry for snapping at you earlier baby, I've not had much sleep and I feel like shit". His apology seemed genuine.
"It's okay" I quietly told him.
He gave me a quick poke on the side causing me to jerk and laugh a little before he left my room. I was glad I had him on side again. As strict as he was with me, I didn't like not speaking to him. He always looked out for me no matter what, it was one of the many things I loved about him.
When I woke up the next morning for school, I felt unbelievably refreshed despite it being a Monday. I was eternally grateful for Thomas insisting I had an early night. I was actually looking forward to school, to tell my other friends about Saturday night and how I went home with some random guy and also to get away from the tension that was surrounding our home with me and Declan not speaking.
Monday went by extremely quick and I was dreading going home again. I decided to get off the bus and go by to Jaspers school to see if I could see him for a bit. Luckily the school knew my parents well and I got to join him for dinner then we sat watching Disney channel on the tele in his room for a bit. I was telling him about me and Declan not speaking and he said I should be enjoying the freedom for a while. That made me laugh, it was true. Declan was so over protective and was always breathing down my neck like a dragon. We both decided to Skype with mum and dad, and I was glad to hear that they were having such a good time. They were also glad that I had made the effort to go see jasper and he had mentioned a few days previous in a text to our mum that he missed me. That made me smile, me and jasper always got on so well, we had never argued over anything once. Once I said bye to jasper I started walking home, but it was getting dark. I decided to phone a taxi when I got to the end of the school road. I got home and you could hardly tell that anyone was in, the boys were so quiet. T came to watch tele with me in the living room and I was telling him about speaking to mum and dad and jasper. Declan eventually came and joined us but refused to acknowledge anything I said and was therefore just speaking to Thomas. I headed upstairs shortly after the Big Bang theory had finished and decided upon another early night.

When my parents are off skiWhere stories live. Discover now