Chapter 6

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Clemies pov

When I get to school the next morning Teri is not by my locker as she usually is. I shouldn't be suprised. She never takes the initiative to apologize when we fight but my stomach still sinks at the sight of the empty place where she always stands. I'll just have to wait until we have french together but French isn't until after lunch. So for now I just bury my impatience, get my books and get through the day.

It's not until you're fighting with only friend that you notice how hard it is to have only one. Teri is probably of with her other gang today, but I'm literally alone. I don't know anyone enough to casually sit down and chat so I just sit by my own in the front instead. It might be my most productive day ever. 

I hope to spot her at lunch, but when I get there she's nowhere to be seen. Maybe she went out with her 'cool' friends or something. I'm starting to get slightly annoyed. I've been walking around all day, worrying about the fight while she's been having the time of her life away from me. I grumpily sit down by the same table as yesterday, without noticing the eyes following me from across the room. 

Suddenly someone sits down in front of me. I jump and take my headphones out. It's Sophie. 

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to startle you." 

"No worries, just didn't hear ya." She has this smug look on her face. "What's going on Sophie?"

She leans across almost the entire table and stage-whispers: "Freddie is staring at you."

I look at her. She has this look on her face, like the most exciting thing ever is taking place right in front of her eyes. She gestures with her head in the direction - I assume - Freddie is sitting in. I turn my entire body to look, ignoring her breathless 'Careful!', and yes. He is indeed sitting by the other wall, with his friends, staring over at us. When he sees me look he grins and wiggles his fingers at me. I throw up my middle finger at him, wait for the grin to fall from his face, when it does I turn back, only to see the exact same look in Sophies face. 

"What?" I return to my food.

"What do you mean 'what'?" I stare blankly at her. "That's the Freddie you just flipped off."

"It surely was." When she just keeps staring at me I sigh and say: "Look, I don't have the energy today, okay? I'm just not interested in him and it's just annoying that everyone keeps telling me that I should be." Something in my voice must've gone through to her because her face goes back to normal.

"Okay, but just so you know I think it's stupid."

"Jeez, thanks."

"No but he's clearly interested in you, and," she tucks her dark hair behind her ear. "Well, let's just say that I've heard some stuff." She glances around her and scoots closer to me. "People talk about how you don't date, or at least how you haven't yet. And I heard from Clara in 2C that Sam - her boyfriend - who's friends with Cameron - who's sitting right there, next to Fred - said that Freddie's made some kind of bet with him. Cameron that is. About you." She says the last part in a conspiratorial voice.
I raise my eyebrows. "A bet?" She nods. "About me?"

She holds up her hands. "I swear to god. That's what I heard."

I lean over slightly. "Sophie, that's okay. Like I said, I'm not interested. He can bet all he likes, it doesn't matter. Now I have class in ten minutes so..." 

"Yeah, of course." She looks disappointed. Sophie loves drama, together with like 90% of the school, and i'm a very uncooperative source of information. I gather my things and say bye to Sophie, but before I leave she calls my name. I turn back to her. "Have you seen Teri today? She's my lab-partner and she didn't show up to class today."

"No idea, probably skipping class." I say it nonchalantly, but as soon as I realise what I said my stomach drops to my feet. If she's skipped her classes, then maybe...

At that second her friends walk into the cafeteria. There are five of them, gorgeous and laughing, but Teri isn't there. I leave Sophie and dump my food on the way out. I jog all the way to the classroom but when I get there our spot is empty. I curse myself. I know her, she avoids responsibility and above all, apologising. Al though, there are still five minutes left. Maybe she's just late. I sit down where we always sit and wait, eyes peeled on the door.

People trail in with their friends one by one, but when the teacher enters and closes the door after him I sigh and give up. Why is she so damn stubborn? I think. I'm always the one trying to fix things. The anger is bubbling dangerously close to the surface. I shouldn't be mad, but it's annoying, always having to put my pride aside to spare hers. I try to push my thoughts back and pay attention to the teacher, but then comes a knock on the door.

Freddies pov

The French professor opens the door and looks at me impatiently. "Is something the matter Mr. Tomlinson?"

I smile. "No sir, I have just decided French really was my thing after all."

After I spoke to the girl at the desk it was actually easier than I thought to add French to my schedule. All it took was a mention of my fathers name and I was in. Piece of cake. I always was good at persuasion. The headmaster was practically crawling by my feet. But the french professor, on the other hand, is not. He looks annoyed. I hand over the note from the headmaster. "Everything is already taken care of. Here is a letter from headmaster Gibbins who will assure you all is in order." He takes the note and reads it, at least twice. Then he reluctantly smiles and steps aside to let me in. 

The first thing I see is Clemie. She's sitting alone, gaping at me. I wink and walk over to her. The door closes behind me and the professor picks up where he left of. I sit down next to Clemie who now looks angry.

"You!" I smile and put my bag on the table. "Why are you stalking me, seriously!"

"I think you ought to keep your voice down miss." I smirk at the appalled look she gives me and leans forward. "You wouldn't wanna disturb the class, no?"

Her face literally turns red, and she lowers her voice. "Have I not made my point yet? I. Am. Not. Interested."

"Well, have your egocentric mind considered the idea that I might not be here for you, but for the blessing of education?" She stares open mouthed and I chuckle. "Thought so."

She stammers for words and I put my finger over my lips. When she goes quiet I point towards the board and turn away from her. God, she looks adorable when she blushes.

Clemies pov

I have never been this angry in my life. I can tell how pleased he is with himself and I almost puke. Do guys like him honestly think that they are desirable? Because, I have truly never wanted a person less than I do right now. I miss Teri. I know she would change her opinion of him after this. I wish we would never have started fighting about him, he isn't worth it. I type out a text, asking her to meet me after school. Screw my pride, I need my best friend right now.


Hello, sorry, it's been waaaay too long, but I still love Clemie and I haven't given up on her. Although I'm vilifying Freddie a bit. But hey, he doesn't really deserve her ;D I hope you stay with me, I think it's going to turn out all right.

xx Edda 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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