Chapter 50

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----Hunter's POV----
"Bye" I say to Brianna as we go to our classes. I wish I had every class with her, but sadly I don't. I have to go over an hour, without her. That's not fair

"Bye, I love you" she says. "Love you to" I say back and start head towards History.

I walk in there and sit in my same seat as always and then the teacher walks in. He starts talking and I start falling asleep.


I wake up and jump to the sound of smacking my desk.

"Did you hear what I asked you?" Mr.Barry asked. I look at him for a minute and see a ruler in his hand. Why does he have a ruler? He's a History teacher.

"No I didn't" I say. "And why?" he asks. "Because I was sleeping" I reply. "Why are you sleeping in my class?" he asks. "Why are you so boring and ask so many questions?" I ask him and everyone laughs. "Oh, it looks like we got a class clown here, why don't you go to the principles office and tell Mr.Donaldson one of your jokes" he says. "Because I'm busy sleeping" I say. "THATS ENOUGH! PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW!" he shouts at me. "Geesh, calm down, I'm going" I say.

I grab my stuff and leave the room, but don't go to the principles office. I don't need to get in trouble by him.

I go to the bathroom and go in a stall. I guess since I have like twenty minutes left until next class, I'll take a nap.

I slide down the wall and sit down. Soon I fall asleep. I didn't think I could be so comfortable sleeping in a stall on the floor.

I wake up from my nap and look at the time.

I'm fifteen minutes late for gym. Crap.

I get up off the floor, grab my bag, and run to the boys locker room. I hurry up and put on my gym uniform and then run into gym class.

"Sorry I'm late" I say to the gym teacher, Mr.Dean. "Why were you late" he says angrily. Gosh, by next semester all the teachers are gonna hate me.

"I...I'll start running" I say because I can't come up with an excuse. "Five laps!" he shouts. "Everyone!"

Everyone is gonna hate me, not just the teachers.

"When one person is late, everyone has to face the consequences!" he says.

"Nice job, loser, now we all have to laps" someone says running next to. "Thanks alot" someone says, knocking into me.

Yup, everyone hates me. That's okay though, as long as Brianna doesn't.

"Hey" I say to Brianna "Hey" she says back. "So how was those two classes? I was looking for you in the hall after last class and I couldn't find you" she asks. "Long story short, I got kicked out of History, fell asleep in the bathroom stalls, and I missed twenty minutes of gym" I tell her. "Oh sounds like fun" she says. "Totally" I say.

Car ride home

----Brianna's POV----
"So do you want to hang out again tonight?" I ask. "Of course" he says. "Same time as yesterday?" I asks. "Yeah" he replies. "Okay bye" I say giving him a kiss after he pulls into his driveway.

I run inside and see my father sitting on the couch.

"Your home early" I say to my dad. "Yeah everyone got off work early today" he says. "Oh" I say.

"Here" he says while holding my phone out to me. "Your sixteen you can date, text, talk, and hangout with whoever you want" he says. "Really? So I'm not grounded anymore?" I ask. "No" he says. "Thank you so much! I love you!" I say and run up to my room.

I lay on my bed and text Hunter.

Me: Guess what

Hunter: You got your phone back

Me: and I'm aloud to date you and I'm not grounded anymore!

Hunter: Really?

Me: Yeah

Hunter: Your dad said that?

Me: Yeah

Hunter: You should come over now then

"Dinner time!" my mom shouts. "Okay, I'll be down in a minute!" I shout back.

Me: I'll be over in about an hour

Hunter: Okay :-)

I walk downstairs and grab a plate. I put a piece of steak and mashed potatoes with gravy on my plate. I guess I'm gonna try to eat this.

I grab a fork and sit down at the table.

"How was school today?" my mom asks. "Good" I say. "Really?" my dad asks. "Yeah" I reply. "I haven't heard you say that for a while" my dad says.

I eat almost half of my steak and some of my mashed potatoes before I start to feel really sick.

"I'm full, I'm going upstairs" I say and get up. I walk upstairs and grab some clothes to take a shower. I grab a black shirt that says "Perfect boys only exist in books" in white letters and a white pair of jeans. I grab a towel and jump in the shower.

About fifteen minutes later, after shaving and washing my body and hair, I get out of the shower and put on my clothes. I blow dry my hair and brush it and then grab my phone.

"I'm going to Hunter's" I tell my parents that are sitting on the couch. "Okay" my parents say. I can tell my dad wanted to say something.

I walk out the door went to Hunter's. I knock on the door and Ashton answers. I love Ashton. He's so cute.

"Brianna!" he shouts and hugs me. "Where's your brother?" I ask him. "Brandon or Hunter?" he asks. "Obviously Hunter" I say. "HUNTER YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" he shouts to his big brother. "Which one of his girlfriends?" Brando asks while walking out of the kitchen. "What?" I ask. "I'm just kidding" Brandon says while laughing. "That's not funny" I say and then Hunter walks downstairs.

"Hey beautiful" he says and walks uo to me. "Hey I haven't seen you in forever" I say laughing. He laughs and gives me a hug.

"Are you ready?" he asks. "For what?" I say. "Oh that's right I didn't tell you" he says. "Didn't tell me what?" I ask. "Nothing just follow me" he says and grabs his keys.

We walk outside to the car and get inside of it.

We ride for about twenty-five minutes before we come to a complete stop. There was so many people. It kind of looked like a concert stadium.

"What is this?" I ask Hunter. "A concert" he says, not being very specific. "Who's?" I ask. "You'll find out" he says.

Ugh. I don't wanna wait

We get inside of the concert place and sit down in the front row. I've never sat in the front row before nor have I ever actually been to a concert before.

About 2 hours later, the place is crowded and the concert starts. I get my phone out and start to record it.

A bunch of smoke covered the stage and then all of a sudden a band appeared. My favorite band.

Black Veil Brides!

"Oh my gosh. Than you so much Hunter!" I shout to him. "I love you so much!" I say and give him a kiss.

I can't belive he actually paid for front row tickets to see Black Veil Brides. He doesn't even like rock.

I love him so much.

It turns out my shirt isn't true. Perfect boys don't only exist in books.

Because Hunter Bryce Rowland is...

The Perfect Boy

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated soon but I didn't have service or Wi-Fi. But anyways I hope you liked this chapter.
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P.S: This was the last chapter! Comment how this book was and tell me what you think my next book should be about!

I hope you liked this book. Thank you guys so much for all the votes, comments, and reads! I appreciate it.

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