Chapter 21

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----Brianna's POV----
I didn't feel like eating much so I left the dinner table early and went up to my room.

I grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I was my hair and body and shaved.

When I was done I wrapped my towel around me tightly and ran to my room. When I got to my room I walked opened the door and saw Hunter sitting there on my bed.

"Can you get out please" I say.

Why is he even in my room.

"Oh sorry I just came to talk to but I wasn't sure where you were so I was waiting for you, hope you don't mind that I was in here" he says, acting a little bit weird. "No I don't mind, but can you please get out?" I say and he leaves.

When he leaves I shut the door and get dressed.

I put on a pair of pajama pants and a long sleeved pajama shirt and let my hair air dry.

I sit down on my bed and roll over to grab my phone off the side table.

I check my messages and see that I I've one from Jayla, but I don't feel like answering right now. I set my phone down and get up to turn off my light. When I lay down I quickly fall asleep.

----Hunter's POV----
I knew that Brianna wasn't really talking to Jayla because I can tell when she is lying.

I go up to Brianna's room after dinner to talk to her but when I got in there are wasn't there. So I went and lasted down in her bed.

"Ow!" I said getting up. I felt something sharp poke me. When I got up to look on the bed, I couldn't believe what I saw.

A blade.

She's cutting!

I can't belive she's cutting.

I bout started crying because I felt like it was all my fault but then I heard her walking down the hall to her room. I hurried up and shoved the blade in my pocket.

"Can you get out please" she says.

"Oh sorry I just came to talk to but I wasn't sure where you were so I was waiting for you, hope you don't mind that I was in here" I say, trying to act OK. "No I don't mind, but can you please get out?" she says and I leave.

I'll talk to her about it tomorrow but for now in flushing her blade away so I know she won't find it tonight.

I hope it's not because of me.

I hope she'll listen to me tomorrow and the I hope she never does it again.

A/N: Vote and Comment please. Last chapter for tonight😏.

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