Chapter 1

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Mornings were strange. I hated them just as much as I loved them. They were beginnings, they offered a clean slate, but from the first breath awake to the next, you would remember that you still carried something with you from the days that had passed. No one got a clean start. Ever.

"Dylan!" Mom's voice carried from downstairs, loud and clear. Fuck, it's Monday.

I groaned and dragged myself out of bed, crawling on the floor towards the bathroom, stopping halfway to sleep some more. I decided that this wouldn't be happening. It couldn't be happening.

"DYLAN, get up from the floor!"

Damn, she knew me too well.

I made another effort and sat up, scrunching my face as I rubbed my eyes from sleep. There really was no turning back from this. There was only so much I could do to avoid the terrible, inevitable, first school day in a new town. I whined some more before standing up to pad off into the bathroom. I knew I should take a cold shower to wake up, but I didn't want to punish myself further. I stood there for a while, contemplating my life before daring to step into the falling water. After a last hesitant step, I shuddered contentedly. There was nothing better than a scalding shower to relieve any form of misery.

Finally awake and dressed in the best casual clothes I had, I walked down the stairs and saw the familiar sight of my baby-sis munching on breakfast at the bar. I never understood how she could eat in the mornings. For me it just wasn't an option. The sight of food was enough to make me slightly nauseous.

"Good morning Dylan, I'm glad you managed to drag yourself down here in time. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression the first day, right?" Mom said, looking at me with a little bit of laughter in her eyes. One never knew with that woman, though. She loved to tease but then all of a sudden she could turn real serious and glare at you with the scariest look, ever, before winking. I loved her to bits.

"I made you a sandwich, so wipe off the grumpy face before you get to school. Otherwise, I'll doubt you'll get any friends today."

"Ha Ha," I deadpanned.

"Attitude Dylan, what have I told you," Mom scolded, and then she did what she always did: she smiled. She couldn't hold a scold, she just wasn't the type.

"I'm guessing I'll have to take this little brat too?" I turned to look pointedly at my sister. Lily responded with a sly grin.

"Dylan." Mom raised her eyebrow in warning, saying 'Don't you dare!'.

"Fine, sorry sis."

I rolled my eyes when I saw Lily's satisfied smirk. That little devil definitely knew how to play, nice or otherwise.

"Ah, don't worry dear brother," she replied, flipping a lock of blond hair over her shoulder. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister, but I'm supposed to taunt her-it's a part of my job description.

I looked up at the oversized clock on the wall behind Lily. Its sole purpose was to keep me from being late, but it usually failed to do its job properly. Now it was reminding me again: We were going to be late if Lily didn't get her gear together real quick.

"Ready Lil?" I asked while I packed my breakfast and lunch into a box that seemed a little too small for the task.

"Sure, let's go!" She dashed from her chair, apparently eager to meet the new kids on the block. I didn't share her enthusiasm.


"Nervous?" I asked Lily as we parked the car outside school. The enthusiasm had passed. I could see her twitch a little where she sat, huddling in the seat while twiddling with the belt. This was her second year in high school, but her first day here. We didn't know a soul, apart from each other, and it wasn't likely that we would hang out. It was my senior year after all-and she's Lily, my baby-sis with too much sass.

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