Another A/N

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A/N: Le gasp!! Another note? What is this sorcery(sp)?? Hey, so I've been TRYING to work on this, but I got minecraft like a week ago and it's REALLY addicting. I'm a couple paragraphs into chp 1, so, there's something to look forward to. Also, if you've looked on my page and saw Danny's message: Dan is my sister-ish and we are working on a collab story that's a FREAKING ORIGINAL!! She's also getting her own wattpad account and it will be posted on there in due time. She doesn't want to start it yet because she's OCD and has to plan every single little detail before even writing a word of it. Also, an update on the progress of my L4D2 fanfic, i'm WORKING on it. the thing is, I have bits and pieces of it, like a part from Dark Carnival campaign, and one from Swamp Fever. It will follow the campaign, and I might even make a little after :O Didn't see THAT coming did ya now? ;) That's all I have to say and I PROMISE to work on this. I'll have something posted by Saturday Novenmber 16th. My brother has a soccer game, so I'll have something to do so I won't die of boredom. Mkay, now, BYYYYYEEEE!!!! Aure Out!

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