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"You can stay until you can walk. Then you're out of here."
"Dean, it happened sixteen years ago. Are you still really that mad? Also-l
"Cas, she was going to marry me. Imagine that! Someone cared for me, and you had to go and let her die."
"Dean if you'll just let me finish-"
"No, Cas, I-"
Dean shut up.
"Thank you. What I was trying to say was, he survived. Ok? You happy yet?"
Dean looked at Cas shocked. "He did? But....But he was so cold..."
Cas shook his head. "He was fine. He just thought he was still inside. But since you ran off I had no time to give him to you so...I raised him myself."
Dean looked at him. "You. Raised a child."
Cas nodded.
"Well thanks I guess. So what's got you all in a heap?"
Cas looked sad. "That's why I came here. There's a hunter. Anna is dead, I barely escaped-"
"Hold on Cas, a hunter?"
"Yeah an angel hunter."
Dean's eyes flicked to Angel, it was quick but Castiel caught it. "It seems you and I need to have a little talk alone Dean Winchester."
Dean nodded. "Angel, to your room."
"No buts, young lady. Room."
She went to her room, and Castiel looked at Dean. "Tell me everything."

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