Chapter 6: The Past

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Chapter 6: The Past

Year: 1485


"Bene Ezio! You have improved!" Mario exclaimed when he saw the progress that he and I had made since day one

Ezio nodded his head as he made his way over to us. Ezio and I have stopped yelling at each every second of every day. We were starting to get along like we used to. We weren't quite there but we were getting closer. I smiled at Ezio and then looked to Mario. He had a proud smile on his face, which made me smile even more. Ezio walked over and jumped out of the ring. He stood beside me. Mario looked between us and smiled at him.

"You did a good job." Mario said as he put a hand on my shoulder, "What will you two be doing next?"

I looked to Ezio as he answered, "I have to go and kill the new Doge."

"You actually plan on killing the Doge this time?" I said sarcastically

"Sì," Ezio replied a bit too harshly

"Well, count me out of this! I do not want to be responsible for killing the Doge!"

I turned away from Ezio and Mario as I started to walk away. I stopped mid-step, why would he want to kill the Doge anyway?! I turned around slowly, I looked at Ezio.

"And what reason do you have to kill the Doge?"

"The Doge is a Templar. Marco Barbarigo."

I was frozen, now I know what is going on. I took a step closer to Ezio. I looked to Mario and he gave me a warning look. I looked back to Ezio. I looked down to the ground and silently spoke.

"Meet me in the Sanctuary. We need to talk."

I turned on the balls of my feet and headed down to the small city of the Villa. I got a new sword and some throwing knives. I walked to the doctors and got more medicine. I walked up the stairs heading to the Villa house and then walked in. I headed straight to the Sanctuary. When I got down there, Ezio was already there. His arms were crossed as he looked to me. I put down my hood and walked over to the center of the Sanctuary to stand beside Ezio.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Ezio, I know. . ."

His smile faded as he was recalling the memory. I looked down to the ground and then back to him. I looked around the Sanctuary. I moved away from standing beside him to making a slow semi-circle looking at all the statues. I looked to the one of Altaïr and stood in front of it. I turned to look at Ezio. I reached inside my pouch to pull out the last seal I had found a couple of days ago on my day adventure.

I looked down to it and then walked towards Ezio. I handed it to him, but he didn't take it. I looked up to him. He too was looking around. I grabbed his hand and put the seal in his hand. He looked down to me and then to the seal.

"Why are you giving me this? You are the one who found it; you deserve the Armor of Altaïr."

I shook my head as I turned around to look at the armor and then to the statue. I looked down to my robes and then looked back up to the statue.

"I have the original ones; you deserve the armor he made."

I turned around to look at him. He looked a little confused. His eyes trailed to the statue of Altaïr and then back to me. I turned around and crossed my arms. I heard Ezio go to the last statue and put in the seal. The last lock moved slowly away from the bars. The bars started to move upwards revealing the armor. I took a step closer to examine the armor myself. Ezio came up beside me. I nodded my head towards the armor. He walked over to the armor and looked at it. He turned to me. He looked back to the armor.

Ezio Auditore Has A Secret  *CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now