Chapter 25: Death's Embrace Is More Welcoming Than You Think It Is

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Chapter 25: Death's Embrace Is More Welcoming Than You Think It Is

Year: 1499


  Every step I take I am getting closer to death. I can feel it, sense it. I can see death getting closer and deaths embrace starting to surround us. Ezio kept looking over to me, making sure I was fine. I kept shrugging him off and kept my head forward. I can’t make my own actions stop our focus to killing the Spaniard. We started to hear the Spaniard talking, preaching more like it. With being the Pope comes responsibilities. Ezio and I looked around and saw a platform in front of us hanging from the ceiling. Ezio jumped over before I even got the chance to say anything to him.

  He jumped to the next one as I slowly jumped to the first one. He jumped to another platform that was connected to the wall as I jump to the platform he was just on. He jumped to the next one as I jumped to the one he was just on. I was out of it and I wasn’t thinking straight. This wasn’t good. I made it over to Ezio. He looked around trying to find something else he could jump on to get closer to the Spaniard. I looked to the side and saw another platform that is right on top of the Spaniard.

  I jump over to the platform. Ezio follows quickly behind. We both stood on the platform looking down to the Spaniard. Ezio looked over to me for approval. I nodded my head and he jumped off the platform and landed right on the Spaniard. The monks got scared and back away. I jumped down landing a few feet away from Ezio and the Spaniard, which scared the monks even more. I slowly walked over to Ezio and the Spaniard. Ezio had his hidden blade extended getting ready to finish the deed. To end the life of someone who has caused us much grief over the years.

“I thought . . . I thought I was beyond this. But I’m not. I’ve waited too long . . . lost too much . . . Requiescat in pace, [rest in peace] you bastard.”

“I don’t think so.”

  I jumped back a bit and then ran over to Ezio and the Spaniard. Ezio jumped back and put his hidden blade away. The Spaniard reached for the staff. I helped Ezio up as the Spaniard got up. Ezio looked over to the Spaniard and started to run towards him, but the Spaniard used the powers of the staff to force him away. Ezio and I both went flying to the ground landing on our backs. Spaniard used the staff again to steal the souls from everybody in the room. Ezio quickly got up and ran over to me and protected me. Man, he really wants me alive.

  The staff’s powers tried to work on us, but the Apple shielded us from the staff. Ezio held my hand as we both got up and kept my hand in his. The Spaniard looked at the two of us confused.

“How is it you resist?”

  Ezio let go of my hand as he looked to the Spaniard, anger filling up his face and his emotions. I looked to Ezio and then down to the pouch holding the apple. It was glowing. The Spaniard noticed too as we both were breathing heavily from the impact from the blow. The Spaniard smiled.

“I see . . . Kind of you to bring me the Apple. Now give it here!”

  The Spaniard held out his hand for Ezio or I to give him the Apple. Ezio had other plans in mind.

“Vai a farti fottere. [go fuck yourself]” Ezio said loud enough for us to hear

“Ahh, always the fighter. Just like your father. Well –rejoice, my child- for you will see him again SOON!”

  The Spaniard flipped the staff over and made it into his own weapon now. The end of the staff facing us.

“You WILL give it to me!”

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